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There are 10 ten-letter words containing UBES

BUCKYTUBESbuckytubes n. Plural of buckytube.
BUCKYTUBE n. a tube of carbon atoms.
ERUBESCENTerubescent adj. Red or reddish; blushing.
ERUBESCENT adj. growing red; blushing.
ERUBESCITEerubescite n. (Obsolete, mineralogy) Synonym of bornite.
ERUBESCITE n. a reddish mineral, aka bornite.
FLASHCUBESflashcubes n. Plural of flashcube.
FLASHCUBE n. a plastic cube containing four flashbulbs, rotated as the film is wound on.
FLASHTUBESflashtubes n. Plural of flashtube.
FLASHTUBE n. a gas discharge tube that produces very brief intense flashes of light and is used esp. in photography.
HYPERCUBEShypercubes n. Plural of hypercube.
HYPERCUBE n. a figure in a space of four or more dimensions having all its sides equal and all its angles right angles.
MICROTUBESmicrotubes n. Plural of microtube.
MICROTUBE n. a minute tube.
PHOTOTUBESphototubes n. Plural of phototube.
PHOTOTUBE n. an electron tube with a photoemissive cathode.
PUBESCENCEpubescence n. The state of being in or reaching puberty.
pubescence n. (Anatomy) A covering of fine, soft hairs.
PUBESCENCE n. the state of being pubescent.
RUBESCENCErubescence n. A reddening.
RUBESCENCE n. reddening, blushing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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