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There are 20 words containing UON

ANTIMUONantimuon n. (Physics) A positively charged particle, the antiparticle corresponding to a muon.
anti-muon n. Alternative form of antimuon.
ANTIMUON n. the antiparticle of a muon.
ANTIMUONSantimuons n. Plural of antimuon.
ANTIMUON n. the antiparticle of a muon.
EUONYMINeuonymin n. (Medicine) A principle or mixture of principles derived from Euonymus atropurpureus, a spindle tree.
EUONYMIN n. an extract of the bark of the euonymus.
EUONYMINSeuonymins n. Plural of euonymin.
EUONYMIN n. an extract of the bark of the euonymus.
EUONYMUSeuonymus n. Any of many (often decorative) trees, shrubs and woody vines, of the genus Euonymus.
Euonymus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Celastraceae – the spindle trees, shrubs often cultivated as ornamental plants.
EUONYMUS n. a plant of the burning bush family, also EVONYMUS.
EUONYMUSESeuonymuses n. Plural of euonymus.
EUONYMUS n. a plant of the burning bush family, also EVONYMUS.
GLUONgluon n. (Physics) A massless gauge boson that binds quarks together to form baryons, mesons and other hadrons…
GLUON n. the name given to a hypothetical particle thought of as passing between quarks and so signifying the force that holds them together.
GLUONSgluons n. Plural of gluon.
GLUON n. the name given to a hypothetical particle thought of as passing between quarks and so signifying the force that holds them together.
MUONmuon n. (Physics) An unstable elementary particle in the lepton family, having similar properties to the electron…
MUON n. a subatomic particle.
MUONICmuonic adj. Pertaining to, or composed of muons.
MUONIC adj. relating to a muon, a kind of subatomic particle.
MUONIUMmuonium n. (Physics, chemistry) An exotic atom formed when a positively charged muon (an anti-muon) and an electron…
MUONIUM n. an electron and a positive muon bound together.
MUONIUMSmuoniums n. Plural of muonium.
MUONIUM n. an electron and a positive muon bound together.
MUONSmuons n. Plural of muon.
MUON n. a subatomic particle.
QUONDAMquondam adj. (Formal) Former; once; at one time.
QUONDAM adj. (Latin) former, erstwhile.
QUONKquonk n. Unwanted noise picked up by a microphone in a broadcasting studio.
quonk n. Audience chatter that disturbs the performer.
quonk v. (Intransitive) To produce unwanted noise.
QUONKEDquonked v. Simple past tense and past participle of quonk.
QUONK v. to make an accidental disturbing noise too close to a microphone.
QUONKINGquonking v. Present participle of quonk.
QUONK v. to make an accidental disturbing noise too close to a microphone.
QUONKSquonks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quonk.
QUONK v. to make an accidental disturbing noise too close to a microphone.
TAUONtauon n. An unstable elementary particle which is a type of lepton, having a mass almost twice that of a proton…
TAUON n. a lepton of mass about 3600 times greater than that of an electron.
TAUONStauons n. Plural of tauon.
TAUON n. a lepton of mass about 3600 times greater than that of an electron.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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