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There are 17 eight-letter words containing USP

AUSPICESauspices n. Plural of auspice.
auspices n. Protection or patronage.
AUSPICE n. a good omen.
BICUSPIDbicuspid adj. Having two points or prominences; ending in two points; said of teeth, leaves, fruit, etc.
bicuspid n. A tooth with two cusps; a premolar tooth.
BICUSPID adj. having two cusps.
CUSPATEDcuspated adj. Ending in a point.
CUSPATED adj. having a point.
CUSPIDALcuspidal adj. Having cusps.
CUSPIDAL adj. having a cusp.
CUSPIDESCUSPIS n. (Latin) a point e.g. the horn of the moon, also CUSP.
CUSPIDORcuspidor n. (Chiefly US) A spittoon.
CUSPIDOR n. (Portuguese) a spittoon, also CUSPIDORE.
CUSPIESTcuspiest adj. Superlative form of cuspy: most cuspy.
CUSPY adj. of a computer program, well written and easy to use.
CUSPLIKEcusplike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a cusp.
CUSPLIKE adj. like a cusp.
HARUSPEXharuspex n. A soothsayer or priest in Ancient Rome (originally Etruscan) who practiced divination by inspecting entrails.
HARUSPEX n. (Latin) a soothsayer of ancient Rome, also ARUSPEX.
MUSPIKESMUSPIKE n. a freshwater fish.
SUSPECTSsuspects n. Plural of suspect.
suspects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suspect.
SUSPECT v. to think guilty.
SUSPENCEsuspence n. Obsolete spelling of suspense.
SUSPENCE adj. (Milton) suspended, held back, also SUSPENS.
SUSPENDSsuspends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suspend.
SUSPEND v. to stop for a period.
SUSPENSEsuspense n. The condition of being suspended; cessation for a time.
suspense n. The pleasurable emotion of anticipation and excitement regarding the outcome or climax of a book, film etc.
suspense n. The unpleasant emotion of anxiety or apprehension in an uncertain situation.
SUSPIREDsuspired v. Simple past tense and past participle of suspire.
suspired adj. (Obsolete) Ardently desired or longed for; earnestly coveted.
SUSPIRE v. to sigh.
SUSPIRESsuspires v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suspire.
SUSPIRE v. to sigh.
VOLUSPASVOLUSPA n. (Old Norse) a sibyl or prophetess.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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