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There are 14 eight-letter words containing USO

BLOUSONSblousons n. Plural of blouson.
BLOUSON n. (French) a loose outer garment gathered into a waistband.
BOUSOUKIbousouki n. Alternative form of bouzouki.
BOUSOUKI n. (Modern Greek) a Greek long-necked lute with 3 or 4 double courses of metal strings, also BAZOUKI, BOUZOUKI, BUZUKI.
DELUSORYdelusory adj. Tending to delude.
DELUSORY adj. tending to delude, also DELUSIVE.
DETRUSORdetrusor n. (Anatomy) A smooth muscle in the wall of the bladder that relaxes to allow urine to be stored and contracts…
DETRUSOR n. a muscle in the wall of the bladder that contracts when the bladder is full.
DIFFUSORdiffusor n. Alternative form of diffuser.
DIFFUSOR n. one that diffuses, also DIFFUSER.
DOCUSOAPdocusoap n. A form of reality television in the style of a documentary in which an apparent plot is constructed…
DOCUSOAP n. a television series that follows the lives of real people over a period of time.
EUSOCIALeusocial adj. (Biology) Of or pertaining to certain social animals’ societies (such as those of ants) in which sterile…
EUSOCIAL adj. characterized by cooperative specialization of tasks, as in ant colonies.
ILLUSORYillusory adj. Resulting from an illusion; deceptive, imaginary, unreal.
ILLUSORY adj. based on illusion, also ILLUSIVE.
INFUSORYinfusory n. (Zoology) One of the Infusoria.
infusory adj. (Zoology) infusorial.
INFUSORY n. an infusorian.
MAUSOLEAmausolea n. Plural of mausoleum.
MAUSOLEUM n. (Latin) a large, stately tomb.
MEDUSOIDmedusoid n. Jellyfish.
medusoid adj. Having the shape of a jellyfish.
MEDUSOID n. a jellyfish, also MEDUSA, MEDUSAN.
OCCLUSORocclusor n. (Anatomy) A muscle that closes an opening.
OCCLUSOR n. a muscle etc. which closes an opening.
SINUSOIDsinusoid n. (Mathematics) A curve having the shape of a sine wave.
sinusoid n. (Anatomy) Any of several channels through which venous blood passes in various organs.
sinusoid adj. (Mathematics) sinusoidal.
VIRUSOIDvirusoid n. A circular single-stranded RNA, similar but not identical to a viroid, dependent on plant viruses for…
VIRUSOID n. a particle of RNA associated with some plant viruses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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