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There are 18 seven-letter words containing UTU

ARBUTUSarbutus n. Any flowering plant in the genus Arbutus: the strawberry tree.
arbutus n. Epigaea repens, the mayflower, the trailing arbutus.
arbutus n. Arbute; the wood of the strawberry tree.
AUTUMNSautumns n. Plural of autumn.
Autumns prop.n. Plural of Autumn.
AUTUMN n. a season of the year.
AUTUMNYautumny adj. Characteristic of autumn.
AUTUMNY adj. (colloq.) autumn-like.
COUTUREcouture n. (Fashion) The production of high-end, custom-made clothing.
Couture prop.n. A surname.
COUTURE n. (French) the business of dressmaking.
FUTURALfutural adj. Of or relating to the future.
futural adj. (Grammar) Having a future tense.
FUTURAL adj. of the future.
FUTURESfutures n. Plural of future.
futures n. Short for futures contract.
FUTURE n. the time yet to come.
MAKUTUSMAKUTU v. to cast a spell upon.
MUTUALSmutuals n. Plural of mutual.
MUTUAL n. a financial institution owned by its customers.
MUTUCASMUTUCA n. (Tupi) a large Brazilian biting fly, also MOTUCA.
MUTUELSMUTUEL n. (French) a system of betting on races.
MUTULARmutular adj. (Architecture) Having or relating to mutules.
MUTULAR adj. relating to a mutule, a kind of square, flat bracket, in Doric architecture.
MUTULESmutules n. Plural of mutule.
MUTULE n. (Latin) an ornamental block used in classical Greek architecture.
MUTUUMSmutuums n. Plural of mutuum.
MUTUUM n. (historical) a bailment consisting of goods for consumption, such as corn, coal etc., to be returned in goods of the same amount.
PUTURESPUTURE n. (historical) a foresters' claim of subsistence within the bounds of a forest, also PULTURE.
SPUTUMSsputums n. Plural of sputum.
SPUTUM n. (Latin) thick mucus coughed up from the respiratory tract esp in certain diseases of the lungs, chest, or throat.
SUTURALsutural adj. (Botany, surgery) Of or pertaining to a suture.
SUTURAL adj. pertaining to the junction between two bones.
SUTUREDsutured v. Simple past tense and past participle of suture.
SUTURE v. to unite by sewing.
SUTURESsutures n. Plural of suture.
SUTURE v. to unite by sewing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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