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There are 11 seven-letter words containing USP

ARUSPEXaruspex n. Alternative form of haruspex.
ARUSPEX n. (Latin) a person who inspected the entrails of sacrificial victims in order to foretell the future, also HARUSPEX.
AUSPICEauspice n. (Chiefly in the plural) Patronage or protection.
auspice n. An omen or a sign.
auspice n. (Obsolete) Divination from the actions of birds.
CUSPATEcuspate adj. Having cusps.
CUSPATE adj. in the form of a cusp, also CUSPATED.
CUSPIDScuspids n. Plural of cuspid.
CUSPID n. a tooth with a single point, a canine tooth.
CUSPIERcuspier adj. Comparative form of cuspy: more cuspy.
CUSPY adj. of a computer program, well written and easy to use.
MUSPIKEMUSPIKE n. a freshwater fish.
SUSPECTsuspect v. (Transitive) To imagine or suppose (something) to be true, or to exist, without proof.
suspect v. (Transitive) To distrust or have doubts about (something or someone).
suspect v. (Transitive) To believe (someone) to be guilty.
SUSPENDsuspend v. To halt something temporarily.
suspend v. To hold in an undetermined or undecided state.
suspend v. To discontinue or interrupt a function, task, position, or event.
SUSPENSSUSPENS adj. (Milton) suspended, held back, also SUSPENCE.
SUSPIREsuspire v. (Literary) To breathe.
suspire v. (Literary) To exhale.
suspire v. (Literary) To sigh.
VOLUSPAVöluspá prop.n. The Prophecy of the Vǫlva; the first poem of the Poetic Edda.
VOLUSPA n. (Old Norse) a sibyl or prophetess.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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