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There are 15 seven-letter words containing URC

CHURCHYchurchy adj. (Colloquial, mildly derogatory) Piously Christian.
churchy adj. Resembling a church.
churchy adj. Reminiscent of a church service.
CURCHEFCURCHEF n. a covering for the head, a kerchief, also CURCH.
CURCHEScurches n. Plural of curch.
CURCH n. (Scots) a covering for the head, a kerchief, also CURCHEF.
CURCUMACurcuma prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Zingiberaceae – about 80 accepted species, including such species…
CURCUMA n. (Arabic) any plant of the genus Curcuma (of the ginger family), esp. one yielding turmeric.
FURCATEfurcate adj. Forked, branched; divided at one end into parts.
furcate v. To fork or branch out.
FURCATE adj. forked.
FURCULAfurcula n. (Anatomy) A forked process or structure, generally two-pronged.
furcula n. (Ornithology) The forked bone formed by the fusion of the clavicles in birds, the wishbone or merrythought.
furcula n. (Entomology) The (two-pronged) forked, somewhat tail-like organ held bent forward and secured by a catch…
LURCHEDlurched v. Simple past tense and past participle of lurch.
LURCH v. to roll or pitch suddenly.
LURCHERlurcher n. (Obsolete) One who lurks or lies in wait; one who watches in order to rob or betray; a poacher.
lurcher n. A type of crossbreed dog ― a cross between a sighthound and any other breed or the offspring of such crosses.
lurcher n. A large nymphalid butterfly, Yoma sabina, of Australia and Asia.
LURCHESlurches n. Plural of lurch.
lurches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lurch.
LURCH v. to roll or pitch suddenly.
SOURCEDsourced v. (Chiefly US) simple past tense and past participle of source.
SOURCE v. to originate from.
SOURCESsources n. Plural of source.
sources v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of source.
SOURCE v. to originate from.
SURCOATsurcoat n. (Historical) A loose garment without sleeves worn over a suit of armor, sometimes colored or embroidered…
surcoat n. (Historical) An overgarment worn over a woman’s gown; a kind of short robe worn over the tunic at the…
SURCOAT n. a tunic worn over armour.
SURCULIsurculi n. Plural of surculus.
SURCULUS n. (Latin) a sucker.
URCEOLIurceoli n. Plural of urceolus.
URCEOLUS n. (Latin) a pitcher-shaped structure, as the tube in which some rotifers live.
URCHINSurchins n. Plural of urchin.
URCHIN n. a mischievous boy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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