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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing ULO

BRULOTSBRULOT n. (Canadian) a biting fly.
CAULOMEcaulome n. (Botany) A stem structure or stem axis of a plant, viewed as a whole.
CAULOME n. the structure of a plant.
COULOIRcouloir n. (Climbing, skiing) A steep gorge along a mountainside.
couloir n. (Rare) A corridor or passage.
COULOIR n. (French) a steep mountainside gorge.
COULOMBcoulomb n. In the International System of Units, the derived unit of electric charge; the amount of electric charge…
COULOMB n. (French) the SI unit of electric charge.
CULOTTEculotte n. Singular of culottes.
CULOTTE n. (French) a divided skirt.
DULOSESDULOSIS n. enslavement by an insect.
DULOSISdulosis n. (Entomology) process by which parasitic ants steal pupae from the nests of other ants and raise them…
DULOSIS n. enslavement by an insect.
DULOTICdulotic adj. Of or relating to dulosis.
DULOTIC adj. relating to dulosis, enslavement as practised by ants.
EMULOUSemulous adj. Ambitious or competitive.
EMULOUS adj. eager to equal or surpass another.
EULOGIAeulogia n. (Christianity, historical) The practice of sending the consecrated Eucharist to those not present, or…
eulogia n. (Rare) plural of eulogy.
EULOGIA n. (Latin) a blessing; holy bread.
HAULOUThaulout n. A site, on land or ice, visited by pinnipeds when they temporarily leave the water between periods of foraging.
haul-out n. A location where seals or sea lions haul out.
haul-out n. The act of hauling out (bringing ashore) a boat, especially for repair and maintenance.
OULONGSoulongs n. Plural of oulong.
OULONG n. (Chinese) a kind of black tea, also OOLONG.
REGULOSregulos n. Plural of regulo.
REGULO n. the scale of temperature in a gas oven.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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