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There are 20 seven-letter words containing UAS

LINGUASLINGUA n. (Latin) the tongue.
MANTUASmantuas n. Plural of mantua.
MANTUA n. (Italian) a woman's loose outer gown, also MANTEAU, MANTO, MANTY.
MASHUASmashuas n. Plural of mashua.
MASHUA n. a tuber plant grown in the Andes.
NOCTUASNOCTUA n. (Latin) a general name for any moth of the family Noctuidae.
OQUASSAoquassa n. (Archaic) A small, handsome trout, Salvelinus oquassa, found in some of the lakes in Maine.
OQUASSA n. (Native American) a small, handsome trout, found in some of the lakes in Maine.
QUASARSquasars n. Plural of quasar.
QUASAR n. a starlike object which emits radio waves.
QUASHEDquashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of quash.
QUASH v. to set aside or annul.
QUASHERquasher n. One who quashes.
QUASHER n. one who quashes.
QUASHESquashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quash.
QUASH v. to set aside or annul.
QUASSESquasses n. Plural of quass.
QUASS n. (Russian) a kind of Russian beer, also KVAS, KVASS.
QUASSIAquassia n. Any of several tropic trees, of the genus Quassia, having scarlet flowers.
quassia n. The bitter substance quassin extracted from its bark.
QUASSIA n. the bitter wood of several tropical American trees, used in medicine and sometimes as a substitute for hops in making beer.
QUASSINquassin n. (Organic chemistry) A very bitter triterpenoid lactone, extracted as white crystals from the quassia…
QUASSIN n. the bitter principle of quassia, extracted as a white crystalline substance.
SQUASHYsquashy adj. Easily squashed when pressed.
squashy adj. Resembling a bog or marsh underfoot.
SQUASHY adj. yielding, soft and moist, also SQUISHY.
STATUASstatuas n. Plural of statua.
STATUA n. (obsolete) a statue.
SUASIONsuasion n. The act of urging or influencing; persuasion.
SUASION n. persuasion.
SUASIVEsuasive adj. (Archaic) Having power to persuade; persuasive.
SUASIVE adj. persuasive.
SUASORYsuasory adj. (Now rare) Tending to persuade; persuasive.
SUASORY adj. tending to persuade; suasive.
TUATUASTUATUA n. (Maori) an edible marine bivalve mollusc of New Zealand.
WAIRUASwairuas n. Plural of wairua.
WAIRUA n. (Maori) one's spirit which leaves when dreaming or dying.
WHENUASWHENUA n. (Maori) land.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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