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There are 10 six-letter words containing UVE

CAUVEScauves n. Plural of cauf.
CAUF n. a coalminer's basket, also CORF.
CRUVEScruves n. Plural of cruve.
CRUVE n. (Scots) a pen or sty, also CROOVE, CRUIVE.
CUVEEScuvees n. Plural of cuvee.
cuvées n. Plural of cuvée.
CUVEE n. (French) a vat of blended wine of uniform quality.
DUVETSduvets n. Plural of duvet.
DUVET n. (French) a light quilt filled with down.
FAUVESfauves n. Plural of fauve.
FAUVE n. (French) a member of a group of expressionist painters, also FAUVIST.
LOUVERlouver n. A type of turret on the roof of certain medieval buildings designed to allow ventilation or the admission of light.
louver n. (Chiefly in the plural) A series of sloping overlapping slats or boards which admit air and light but…
louver n. Any of a system of slits, as in the hood of an automobile, for ventilation.
MAUVERmauver adj. Comparative form of mauve: more mauve.
MAUVE adj. coloured mauve.
MAUVESmauves n. Plural of mauve.
MAUVE n. a purple colour.
OUVERTouvert n. (Ballet) A position in which the feet are apart, or a movement which brings them apart.
ouvert n. (Fashion) An open-crotch undergarment.
OUVERT adj. (French) open, also OUVERTE.
UVEOUSuveous adj. (Obsolete) Of, pertaining to, or resembling a grape or grapes.
uveous adj. (Obsolete) Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of the uvea; uveal.
UVEOUS adj. pertaining to the uvea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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