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There are 14 six-letter words containing UTR

FEUTREfeutre n. Alternative form of fewter.
feutre v. Alternative form of fewter.
FEUTRE v. (Spenser) to set a spear in a rest, also FEWTER.
FOUTRAfoutra n. (Obsolete, derogatory) A fig or whit; term of contempt.
FOUTRA n. (Shakespeare) a worthless fellow, also FOOTRA, FOUTER, FOUTRE.
FOUTREFOUTRE v. (Scots) to mess around aimlessly, also FOOTRA, FOUTER, FOUTRA.
GUTROTgutrot n. Alternative form of gut rot.
gut␣rot n. (Slang) Stomachache.
GUTROT n. (colloquial) rough, cheap alcohol, also ROTGUT.
NUTRIAnutria n. (Chiefly North America) The coypu, Myocastor coypus.
nutria n. The fur of the coypu.
NUTRIA n. (Spanish) the coypu, or its fur.
OUTRANoutran v. Simple past tense of outrun.
OUTRUN v. to run faster than.
OUTREDOUTRED v. to surpass in redness.
OUTRIGoutrig v. (Transitive) To stabilize by fitting with an outrigger.
OUTRIG v. to equip (a boat) with outriggers (projections having floats).
OUTROSoutros n. Plural of outro.
OUTRO n. an instrumental passage that concludes a piece of music.
OUTROWoutrow v. (Transitive) To row faster or better than.
OUTROW v. to surpass in rowing.
OUTRUNoutrun v. (Transitive) To run faster than.
outrun v. (Transitive) To exceed or overextend.
outrun n. (Skiing) In ski jumping, the flat or uphill area past the landing point, where the skier can slow down.
PUTRIDputrid adj. Rotting, rotten, being in a state of putrefaction.
putrid adj. Of, relating to, or characteristic of putrefaction, especially having a bad smell, like that of rotting flesh.
putrid adj. Vile, disgusting.
SUTRASsutras n. Plural of sutra.
Sutras n. Plural of Sutra.
sūtras n. Plural of sūtra.
TUTRIXtutrix n. (Obsolete) a female tutor.
tutrix n. (Quebec law) a female tutor (person other than a parent having charge of a child or other person requiring…
TUTRIX n. (obsolete) a female tutor, also TUTORESS, TUTRESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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