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There are 17 five-letter words containing ULA

ALULAalula n. (Ornithology) A small projection of three or four feathers on the first digit of the wing on some birds.
alula n. A flower, a species of Hawaiian lobelioid.
ALULA n. (Latin) one of three feathers springing from the base of the primaries.
AULASaulas n. Plural of aula.
AULA n. (Latin) a hall.
DOULAdoula n. A trained support person, who usually has doula training, who provides emotional, physical and practical…
doula n. A trained person who provides similar support to someone who is diagnosed with an incurable condition…
doúla n. Alternative form of doula.
GULAGgulag n. (Historical) Also GULAG: the system of all Soviet labour camps and prisons in use, especially during…
gulag n. (By extension).
gulag v. (Transitive, informal, also figuratively) To compel (someone) into a forced labour camp or a similar…
GULARgular adj. (Chiefly zoology) Particularly of an animal: of, pertaining to, or located at the gula (“the upper front…
gular n. (Zoology) A plate or scale in the throat region of the body of a fish or reptile (especially a snake).
gular n. (India) Synonym of cluster fig (“Ficus racemosa, a species of plant in the family Moraceae; the edible…
GULASgulas n. Plural of gula.
Gulas prop.n. Plural of Gula.
GULA n. (Latin) the upper part of the throat.
HULAShulas n. Plural of hula.
hulas v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hula.
HULA n. (Hawaiian) a sinuous Polynesian dance with rhythmic hip movements.
INULAinula n. Any of several plants of the genus Inula, such as elecampane.
inula n. The dried root of such a plant used as a stimulant.
Inula prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – yellowheads.
KULAKkulak n. (Historical) A prosperous peasant in the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union, who owned land and could hire workers.
Kulak prop.n. A surname.
KULAK n. (Russian) a rich peasant.
KULANkulan n. Alternative form of koulan.
KULAN n. a wild ass inhabiting the plains of Central Asia, aka onager, also KOULAN.
KULASkulas n. Plural of kula.
Kulas prop.n. Plural of Kula.
KULA n. ceremonial gift exchange between W Pacific islands.
PULAOpulao n. Alternative form of pilaf.
PULAO n. (Persian) a dish made from seasoned rice and meat, also PILAO, PILAU, PILAFF, PILAF, PILAW, PILOW, PILLAU.
PULASpulas n. The East Indian leguminous tree Butea monosperma.
Pulas prop.n. Plural of Pula.
PULA n. (Setswana) a monetary unit of Botswana, 100 thebe.
ULAMAulama n. A (modern) ball game, descended from tlachtli.
ulama n. (Islam) Alternative form of ulema.
ulama n. The devil bird (an avian cryptid of Sri Lanka).
ULANSulans n. Plural of ulan.
ULAN n. (German) a light cavalryman in semi-oriental uniform; a Prussian lancer, also UHLAN.
UVULAuvula n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of palatine uvula.: the fleshy appendage that hangs from the back of the soft palate…
uvula n. (Anatomy) the slight elevation in the mucous membrane immediately behind the internal urethral orifice…
uvula n. (Music) an object so suspended inside a bell that it may hit the bell and cause it to ring; a clapper.
YULANyulan n. Magnolia denudata, a species of magnolia with large white blossoms that open before the leaves.
YULAN n. (Chinese) a kind of magnolia, producing large white flowers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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