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There are 12 five-letter words containing UGE

AUGERauger n. A carpenter’s tool for boring holes longer than those bored by a gimlet.
auger n. A snake or plumber’s snake (plumbing tool).
auger n. A tool used to bore holes in the ground, e.g. for fence posts.
BOUGEbouge n. (Now historical) The right to rations at court, granted to the king’s household, attendants etc.
bouge v. To swell out.
bouge v. To bilge.
GAUGEgauge n. A measure; a standard of measure; an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity; a standard.
gauge n. An act of measuring.
gauge n. An estimate.
GOUGEgouge n. Senses relating to cutting tools.
gouge n. A cut or groove, as left by a gouge or something sharp.
gouge n. (Originally US, colloquial) An act of gouging.
HUGERhuger adj. Comparative form of huge: more huge.
HUGE adj. very large.
KLUGEkluge n. Something that should not work, but does.
kluge n. A device assembled from components intended for disparate purposes.
kluge v. Alternative form of kludge.
KUGELkugel n. A traditional Jewish dish consisting of baked pudding of rice, pasta, or potatoes with vegetables or…
kugel n. Traditional house ornament made of glass.
kugel n. (Slang, South Africa) Overly materialistic and selfish young Jewish woman.
LUGEDluged v. Simple past tense and past participle of luge.
LUGE v. to race on a small sled.
LUGERluger n. Someone who competes in the luge.
Luger prop.n. A surname from German.
Luger n. A German semiautomatic pistol used by their troops in both World Wars.
LUGESluges n. Plural of luge.
LUGE v. to race on a small sled.
ROUGErouge adj. Of a reddish pink colour.
rouge n. Red or pink makeup to add colour to the cheeks; blusher.
rouge n. Any reddish pink colour.
VOUGEvouge n. Alternative form of voulge.
VOUGE n. a weapon carried by foot-soldiers in the 14th century, consisting of a blade on a staff, also VOULGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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