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There are 15 four-letter words containing UMP

BUMPbump n. A light blow or jolting collision.
bump n. The sound of such a collision.
bump n. A protuberance on a level surface.
DUMPdump n. A place where waste or garbage is left; a ground or place for dumping ashes, refuse, etc.; a disposal site.
dump n. A car or boat for dumping refuse, etc.
dump n. That which is dumped, especially in a chaotic way; a mess.
GUMPgump n. (US, dated) A foolish person.
gump n. (Baltimore, District of Columbia, slang) A weak or soft person.
Gump prop.n. A surname.
HUMPhump n. A mound of earth.
hump n. A speed bump or speed hump.
hump n. A deformity in humans caused by abnormal curvature of the upper spine.
JUMPjump v. (Intransitive) To propel oneself rapidly upward, downward and/or in any horizontal direction such that…
jump v. (Intransitive) To cause oneself to leave an elevated location and fall downward.
jump v. (Transitive) To pass by a spring or leap; to overleap.
LUMPlump n. Something that protrudes, sticks out, or sticks together; a cluster or blob; a mound or mass of no particular shape.
lump n. A swelling or nodule of tissue under the skin or in an internal part of the body.
lump n. A group, set, or unit.
MUMPmump v. (Transitive, intransitive) To mumble, speak unclearly.
mump v. To move the lips with the mouth closed; to mumble, as in sulkiness.
mump v. (Intransitive) To beg, especially if using a repeated phrase.
PUMPpump n. A device for moving or compressing a liquid or gas.
pump n. An instance of the action of a pump; one stroke of a pump; any action similar to pumping.
pump n. A device for dispensing liquid or gas to be sold, particularly fuel.
RUMPrump n. The hindquarters of a four-legged mammal, not including its legs.
rump n. A cut of meat from the rump of an animal.
rump n. The buttocks.
SUMPsump n. A hollow or pit into which liquid drains, such as a cesspool, cesspit or sink.
sump n. The lowest part of a mineshaft into which water drains.
sump n. A completely flooded cave passage, sometimes passable by diving.
TUMPtump n. (Britain, rare) A mound or hillock.
tump v. (Transitive) To form a mass of earth or a hillock around.
tump v. (Transitive, Southern US) to bump, knock (usually used with "over", possibly a combination of "tip" and "dump").
UMPHumph interj. Alternative form of humph (“sound of doubt or disapproval”).
umph interj. Alternative form of oof (“sound of loss of air from the body, as when struck”).
UMPH n. oomph, energy.
UMPSumps n. Plural of ump.
umps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ump.
UMP v. (short for) to umpire.
UMPYumpy n. (Sports, informal) An umpire.
UMPY n. (Australian slang) an umpire, also UMPIE.
YUMPyump v. (Intransitive, motorsports) To leave the ground briefly when driving over a ridge at high speed.
YUMP v. in rally-driving, to leave the ground when going over a ridge or crest.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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