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There are 12 four-letter words containing UCK

BUCKbuck n. A male deer, antelope, sheep, goat, rabbit, hare, and sometimes the male of other animals such as the…
buck n. (US) An uncastrated sheep, a ram.
buck n. A young buck; an adventurous, impetuous, dashing, or high-spirited young man.
DUCKduck v. (Intransitive) To quickly lower the head or body, often in order to prevent it from being struck by something.
duck v. (Transitive) To quickly lower (the head or body), often in order to prevent it from being struck by something.
duck v. (Transitive) To lower (something) into water; to thrust or plunge under liquid and suddenly withdraw.
FUCKfuck v. (Vulgar, colloquial, intransitive) To have sexual intercourse; to copulate.
fuck v. (Vulgar, colloquial, transitive) To have sexual intercourse with.
fuck v. (Vulgar, colloquial, transitive) To insert one’s penis, a dildo, or other object, into a person or a…
GUCKguck n. The hybrid offspring of a goose and a duck.
guck n. (Slang) An unpleasant sticky substance; goo, gunk.
Guck prop.n. A surname from German.
HUCKhuck v. (Transitive, informal) To throw or chuck.
huck v. To throw oneself off a large jump or drop.
huck v. To throw one’s body in the air, possibly in a way that is ungraceful or lacks skill.
LUCKluck n. Something that happens to someone by chance, a chance occurrence, especially a favourable one.
luck n. A superstitious feeling that brings fortune or success.
luck n. Success.
MUCKmuck n. Slimy mud, sludge.
muck n. Soft (or slimy) manure.
muck n. Anything filthy or vile. Dirt; something that makes another thing dirty.
PUCKpuck n. (Now rare) A mischievous or hostile spirit.
puck v. (Chiefly Ireland) To hit, strike.
puck n. (Ice hockey) A hard rubber disc; any other flat disc meant to be hit across a flat surface in a game.
RUCKruck n. A throng or crowd of people or things; a mass, a pack.
ruck n. In Australian rules football.
ruck n. (Rugby union) The situation formed when a player carrying the ball is brought to the ground and one…
SUCKsuck n. An instance of drawing something into one’s mouth by inhaling.
suck n. (Uncountable) Milk drawn from the breast.
suck n. An indrawing of gas or liquid caused by suction.
TUCKtuck v. (Transitive) To pull or gather up (an item of fabric).
tuck v. (Transitive) To push into a snug position; to place somewhere safe or somewhat hidden.
tuck v. (Intransitive, often with "in" or "into") To eat; to consume.
YUCKyuck interj. Uttered to indicate disgust usually toward an objectionable taste or odour.
yuck n. (Uncountable) Something disgusting.
yuck v. To say "yuck"; to express disgust.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 25 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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