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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing UPP

IMMUNOSUPPRESSimmunosuppress v. (Transitive) To cause immunosuppression in.
IMMUNOSUPPRESS v. to inhibit the body's immune response.
INSUPPRESSIBLEinsuppressible adj. That cannot be suppressed.
INSUPPRESSIBLE adj. not able to be suppressed.
INSUPPRESSIBLYinsuppressibly adv. In an insuppressible manner.
INSUPPRESSIBLE adv. not able to be suppressed.
PRESUPPOSITIONpresupposition n. An assumption made beforehand; a preliminary conjecture or speculation.
presupposition n. The act of presupposing.
presupposition n. (Linguistics) An assumption or belief implicit in an utterance or other use of language.
SUPPLANTATIONSsupplantations n. Plural of supplantation.
SUPPLANTATION n. the act of supplanting.
SUPPLEMENTALLYsupplementally adv. In a supplemental manner.
SUPPLEMENTAL adv. serving to supplement.
SUPPLICATINGLYsupplicatingly adv. Beseechingly, imploringly, in a supplicatory manner.
SUPPLICATING adv. SUPPLICATE, to entreat for.
SUPPORTABILITYsupportability n. The characteristics of a non-consumable product that allow it to continue being useful at low cost.
SUPPORTABILITY n. the state of being supportable.
SUPPORTIVENESSsupportiveness n. The property of being supportive.
SUPPORTIVENESS n. the state of being supportive.
SUPPOSITIONARYsuppositionary adj. Being a supposition; hypothetical.
SUPPOSITIONARY adj. suppositional.
SUPPOSITIOUSLYsuppositiously adv. In a suppositious manner.
SUPPOSITIOUS adv. fraudulently substituted, also SUPPOSITITIOUS.
SUPPOSITITIOUSsupposititious adj. (Obsolete) Spurious; substituted for the genuine, counterfeit; fake.
supposititious adj. (Obsolete) Imaginary; fictitious, pretended to exist.
supposititious adj. Supposed or hypothetical.
UNDERSUPPLYINGundersupplying v. Present participle of undersupply.
UNDERSUPPLY v. to supply too little.
UNSUPPLENESSESUNSUPPLENESS n. the state of being unsupple.
YUPPIFICATIONSYUPPIFICATION n. the process of conversion into a yuppy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 37 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 113 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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