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There are 12 ten-letter words containing UEB

ARQUEBUSESarquebuses n. Plural of arquebuse.
ARQUEBUS n. (historical) a portable long-barrelled gun, also HARQUEBUS, HARQUEBUSE, HARQUEBUSS.
BLUEBEARDSBluebeards n. Plural of Bluebeard.
BLUEBEARD n. a man who has murdered several wives and concealed their bodies, or has other mysterious or horrible things to conceal.
BLUEBLOODSbluebloods n. Plural of blueblood, an alternative form of blue blood.
blue-bloods n. Plural of blue-blood.
blue␣bloods n. Plural of blue blood.
BLUEBONNETbluebonnet n. Alternative form of blue bonnet.
blue␣bonnet n. A traditional flat Scottish hat made of blue wool; a blue tam-o’-shanter.
blue␣bonnet n. Someone who wears such a hat; a Scotsman, especially a Scottish soldier.
BLUEBOTTLEbluebottle n. Any of various blowflies of the genus Calliphora that have an iridescent metallic-blue body and make…
bluebottle n. A marine jellyfish of the genus Physalia, which includes Physalia physalis, the Portuguese man-of-war…
bluebottle n. A cornflower, a plant that grows in grain fields, Centaurea cyanus, with blue flowers resembling bottles.
BLUEBREASTbluebreast n. A small European bird, the bluethroat.
BLUEBREAST n. the blue-throated warbler.
BLUEBUSHESBLUEBUSH n. an Australian blue-grey shrub.
CHEQUEBOOKchequebook n. A folder or booklet containing preprinted cheques for use by the holder of a bank account.
cheque␣book n. Alternative spelling of chequebook.
CHEQUEBOOK n. a book containing cheques.
HARQUEBUSEharquebuse n. Alternative form of harquebus.
HARQUEBUSE n. an early type of portable firearm; specifically one supported on a tripod by a hook or on a forked rest, also ARQUEBUS, HARQUEBUS, HARQUEBUSS.
HARQUEBUSSharquebuss n. Alternative form of harquebus.
HARQUEBUSS n. an early type of portable firearm; spec. one supported on a tripod by a hook or on a forked rest, also ARQUEBUS, HARQUEBUS, HARQUEBUSE.
QUEBRACHOSquebrachos n. Plural of quebracho.
QUEBRACHO n. (Spanish) any of several tropical American trees and their timber or bark.
USQUEBAUGHusquebaugh n. Whisky, whiskey.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 97 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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