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There are 9 eight-letter words containing UH

BAUHINIAbauhinia n. Any of flowering plants of the Bauhinia genus, some of which are known as orchid trees.
Bauhinia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – tropical flowering plants, including many decorative trees.
BAUHINIA n. a plant of the Bauhinia genus of tropical trees.
BROUHAHAbrouhaha n. A stir; a fuss or uproar.
BROUHAHA n. (French) fuss, also BRUHAHA.
BRUHAHASbruhahas n. Plural of bruhaha.
BRUHAHA n. (French) a fuss, clamour, also BROUHAHA.
BUHLWORKbuhlwork n. (Woodworking) Alternative form of buhl work.
buhl␣work n. (Woodworking) Carved pieces of brass or other material for inlay in furniture and other woodwork.
BUHLWORK n. (French) a form of marquetry with e.g. gold and silver inlaid in tortoiseshell, also BOULLE, BOULLEWORK, BUHL.
GLUHWEINgluhwein n. A type of mulled wine from German-speaking countries made from red wine with cinnamon and other herbs and spices.
GLUHWEIN n. (German) a hot sweetened spiced red wine.
HOUHERESHOUHERE n. (Maori) a small evergreen New Zealand tree.
MANUHIRImanuhiri n. (New Zealand) The visitors at a pohiri.
MANUHIRI n. (Maori) a non-Maori seen as a guest to a marae.
TAUHINUSTAUHINU n. (Maori) a poplar tree.
UMQUHILEUMQUHILE adv. (Scots) some time ago; formerly, also UMWHILE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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