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There are 7 four-letter words containing UV

ERUVeruv n. (Jewish law, most commonly) An eruv chatzerot; ritual aggregation of properties that allows Jews observing…
eruv n. (Jewish law) One of the other types of eruv; an eruv tavshilin or eruv techumin.
ERUV n. (Hebrew) a designated region within which Jewish religious rules are relaxed.
GUVSGUV n. (short for) governor, also GOV.
JUVEjuve n. (Slang) A child actor.
Juve prop.n. (Informal, soccer) Juventus Football Club, a football team from Turin, Italy.
JUVE n. (short for) a juvenile lead in the theatre.
LUVSluvs n. Plural of luv.
luvs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of luv.
LUV v. (colloquial) to love.
UVAEuvae n. Plural of uva.
uvæ n. (Obsolete) plural of uva.
UVA n. a grape or grapelike berry.
UVASUvas prop.n. Plural of Uva.
UV-As n. Plural of UV-A.
UV␣As n. Plural of UV A.
UVEAuvea n. (Anatomy) The middle of the three concentric layers that make up the eye; it is pigmented and vascular…
UVEA n. the posterior pigment-bearing layer of the pupil of the eye.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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