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There are 18 words containing TIGATION

CASTIGATIONcastigation n. (Archaic) Corrective punishment; chastisement; reproof.
castigation n. Severe criticism.
castigation n. (Obsolete) Emendation; correction.
CASTIGATIONScastigations n. Plural of castigation.
CASTIGATION n. the act of castigating.
FERTIGATIONfertigation n. (Agriculture) The application of fertilizers or other water-soluble products through an irrigation system.
FERTIGATION n. fertilisation and irrigation at the same time.
FERTIGATIONSfertigations n. Plural of fertigation.
FERTIGATION n. fertilisation and irrigation at the same time.
FUSTIGATIONfustigation n. A beating with a club.
fustigation n. (By extension) a harsh verbal assault.
FUSTIGATION n. beating with a club.
FUSTIGATIONSfustigations n. Plural of fustigation.
FUSTIGATION n. beating with a club.
INSTIGATIONinstigation n. The act of instigating, or the state of being instigated; incitement; especially to evil or wickedness.
INSTIGATION n. the act of instigating.
INSTIGATIONSinstigations n. Plural of instigation.
INSTIGATION n. the act of instigating.
INVESTIGATIONinvestigation n. The act of investigating; the process of inquiring into or following up; research, especially patient…
INVESTIGATION n. the act of investigating.
INVESTIGATIONALinvestigational adj. Of, or relating to investigating, or to an investigation.
investigational adj. (Medicine) of, or relating to an unapproved drug or chemical entity being studied.
INVESTIGATIONAL adj. of or relating to investigation.
INVESTIGATIONSinvestigations n. Plural of investigation.
INVESTIGATION n. the act of investigating.
LITIGATIONlitigation n. (Law) The conduct of a lawsuit.
LITIGATION n. the act of litigating.
LITIGATIONSlitigations n. Plural of litigation.
LITIGATION n. the act of litigating.
MITIGATIONmitigation n. A reduction or decrease of something harmful or unpleasant.
MITIGATION n. the act of mitigating.
MITIGATIONSmitigations n. Plural of mitigation.
MITIGATION n. the act of mitigating.
REINVESTIGATIONreinvestigation n. An act or process of reinvestigating: a repeat of an earlier investigation.
re-investigation n. Alternative spelling of reinvestigation.
REINVESTIGATION n. the act of reinvestigating.
VITILITIGATIONvitilitigation n. (Obsolete, rare) cavillous litigation; petty criticism or objection.
VITILITIGATION n. vexatious wrangling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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