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There are 14 words containing THWESTER

NORTHWESTERnorthwester n. A strong wind blowing from the northwest.
NORTHWESTER n. a strong northwest wind.
NORTHWESTERLIESnorthwesterlies n. Plural of northwesterly.
NORTHWESTERLY n. a wind from the northwest.
NORTHWESTERLYnorthwesterly adj. Situated in, or pointing to, the northwest.
northwesterly adj. (Chiefly of a wind) Coming from the northwest.
northwesterly adv. From the northwest.
NORTHWESTERNnorthwestern adj. Of or pertaining to the northwest; from or to in such a direction.
northwestern adj. (Of wind) Blowing from that direction.
northwestern n. A film or other dramatic work set primarily in the late 19th or early 20th century in the northwest of North America.
NORTHWESTERNERnorthwesterner n. A person from the northwest part of a geographic region.
NORTHWESTERNERSnorthwesterners n. Plural of northwesterner.
NORTHWESTERSnorthwesters n. Plural of northwester.
NORTHWESTER n. a strong northwest wind.
SOUTHWESTERsouthwester n. A strong wind blowing from the southwest.
southwester n. (More often sou’wester) A waterproof hat, often of oilskin and with a long brim at the back covering…
southwester n. (More often sou’wester) A long raincoat, often worn at sea.
SOUTHWESTERLIESsouthwesterlies n. Plural of southwesterly.
south-westerlies n. Plural of south-westerly.
SOUTHWESTERLY n. a wind from the southwest.
SOUTHWESTERLYsouthwesterly adj. Situated in, or pointing to, the southwest.
southwesterly adj. (Chiefly of a wind) coming from the southwest.
southwesterly adv. From the southwest.
SOUTHWESTERNsouthwestern adj. Of or pertaining to the southwest.
south-western adj. (Chiefly UK) Alternative form of southwestern.
SOUTHWESTERN adj. lying toward or coming from the southwest.
SOUTHWESTERNERsouthwesterner n. A person from the southwest part of a geographic region.
SOUTHWESTERNERSsouthwesterners n. Plural of southwesterner.
SOUTHWESTERSsouthwesters n. Plural of southwester.
SOUTHWESTER n. a waterproof hat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 42 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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