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There are 7 words containing TRIDENT

STRIDENTstrident adj. Loud; shrill, piercing, high-pitched; rough-sounding.
strident adj. Grating or obnoxious.
strident adj. (Nonstandard) Vigorous; making strides.
STRIDENTLYstridently adv. In a strident manner.
STRIDENT adv. loud, grating.
TRIDENTtrident n. A three-pronged spear somewhat resembling a pitchfork.
trident n. (Geometry) A curve of third order of the form…
Trident prop.n. The nuclear weapon that is the nuclear deterrent of the United Kingdom.
TRIDENTALtridental adj. Having three prongs or tines.
TRIDENTAL adj. having three prongs, also TRIDENTATE, TRIDENTED.
TRIDENTATEtridentate adj. Having three teeth.
tridentate adj. (Botany) Having tooth-like projections that are themselves bidentate.
tridentate adj. (Chemistry, of a ligand) Capable of attaching to a metal ion at three points.
TRIDENTEDtridented adj. Having three prongs; tridentate.
TRIDENTED adj. having three prongs, also TRIDENTAL, TRIDENTATE.
TRIDENTStridents n. Plural of trident.
TRIDENT n. a spear with three prongs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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