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There are 20 words containing TRUSIV

EXTRUSIVEextrusive adj. Jutting out; extruding.
extrusive adj. (Geology) Of rocks: forced, while in a plastic or molten state, on to the Earth’s surface to lie atop…
extrusive n. (Geology) Rock which has been formed through volcanic extrusion.
INOBTRUSIVEinobtrusive adj. Inconspicuous; unobtrusive.
INOBTRUSIVE adj. not obtrusive, also UNOBTRUSIVE.
INOBTRUSIVELYinobtrusively adv. In an inobtrusive manner.
INOBTRUSIVE adv. not obtrusive, also UNOBTRUSIVE.
INOBTRUSIVENESSinobtrusiveness n. The quality of being inobtrusive.
INOBTRUSIVE n. not obtrusive, also UNOBTRUSIVE.
INTRUSIVEintrusive adj. Tending to intrude; doing that which is not welcome; interrupting or disturbing; entering without permission…
intrusive adj. (Geology) Of rocks: forced, while in a plastic or molten state, into the cavities or between the cracks…
intrusive adj. (Linguistics) epenthetic.
INTRUSIVELYintrusively adv. In an intrusive manner; by intrusion.
INTRUSIVE adv. tending to intrude.
INTRUSIVENESSintrusiveness n. The quality of being intrusive.
INTRUSIVE n. tending to intrude.
INTRUSIVESintrusives n. Plural of intrusive.
INTRUSIVE n. an intrusive rock.
NONINTRUSIVEnonintrusive adj. Not intrusive.
NONINTRUSIVE adj. not intrusive.
OBTRUSIVEobtrusive adj. Sticking out; protruding.
obtrusive adj. Noticeable; prominent, especially in a displeasing way.
obtrusive adj. Pushy.
OBTRUSIVELYobtrusively adv. In an obtrusive manner.
OBTRUSIVE adv. thrusting forward.
OBTRUSIVENESSobtrusiveness n. The characteristic of being obtrusive.
OBTRUSIVE n. thrusting forward.
OBTRUSIVENESSESobtrusivenesses n. Plural of obtrusiveness.
OBTRUSIVENESS n. OBTRUSIVE, thrusting forward.
PROTRUSIVEprotrusive adj. That protrudes; protruding.
protrusive adj. Rather conspicuous; obtrusive.
PROTRUSIVE adj. thrusting or impelling forward; as, protrusive motion.
PROTRUSIVELYprotrusively adv. In a protrusive manner.
PROTRUSIVE adv. thrusting or impelling forward; as, protrusive motion.
PROTRUSIVENESSprotrusiveness n. The quality of protruding, or sticking out.
PROTRUSIVE n. thrusting or impelling forward; as, protrusive motion.
UNOBTRUSIVEunobtrusive adj. Not obtrusive; not blatant or noticeable; discreet, inconspicuous.
UNOBTRUSIVE adj. not obtrusive, also INOBTRUSIVE.
UNOBTRUSIVELYunobtrusively adv. In an unobtrusive manner; in a manner that is not noticeable or blatant.
UNOBTRUSIVE adv. not obtrusive, also INOBTRUSIVE.
UNOBTRUSIVENESSunobtrusiveness n. The state of being unobtrusive.
UNOBTRUSIVENESS n. the state of being unobtrusive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 8 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 11 words

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