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There are 6 words containing TROPOS

TROPOSPHEREtroposphere n. The lower levels of the atmosphere extending from the surface of the Earth or another celestial body…
TROPOSPHERE n. a region of the atmosphere from 25,000 feet to 55,000 feet, the boundary between the upper troposphere and the lower stratosphere.
TROPOSCATTERtroposcatter n. Tropospheric scatter.
TROPOSCATTER n. the propagation of radio waves by using irregularities in the troposphere to scatter the signals beamed up by means of high-powered UHF transmitters and parabolic antennas.
TROPOSPHEREStropospheres n. Plural of troposphere.
TROPOSPHERE n. a region of the atmosphere from 25,000 feet to 55,000 feet, the boundary between the upper troposphere and the lower stratosphere.
TROPOSPHERICtropospheric adj. Of, or relating to, the troposphere.
TROPOSPHERIC adj. relating to the troposphere.
TROPOSCATTERSTROPOSCATTER n. the propagation of radio waves by using irregularities in the troposphere to scatter the signals beamed up by means of high-powered UHF transmitters and parabolic antennas.
ELECTROPOSITIVEelectropositive adj. Having a positive electric charge.
electropositive adj. (Chemistry) tending to release electrons to form a chemical bond.
electropositive n. (Dated, chemistry, physics) A body which passes to the negative pole in electrolysis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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