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There are 16 words containing TRIMET

TRIMETERtrimeter n. A line in a poem having three metrical feet.
trimeter n. A poetic metre in which each line has three feet.
TRIMETER n. a verse of three metrical feet.
TRIMETERStrimeters n. Plural of trimeter.
TRIMETER n. a verse of three metrical feet.
TRIMETHYLtrimethyl n. (Organic chemistry, in combination) Three methyl groups in a molecule.
TRIMETHYL adj. a prefix or combining form (also used adjectively) indicating the presence of three methyl groups.
TRIMETRICtrimetric adj. Of or relating to a trimeter or anything related to trimeters.
trimetric adj. (Crystallography) orthorhombic.
TRIMETRIC adj. relating to a trimeter, a verse of three measures, also TRIMETRICAL.
TITRIMETRICtitrimetric adj. (Chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or measured using titration.
TITRIMETRIC adj. employing or determined by titration.
TRIMETRICALtrimetrical adj. Of or relating to a trimeter or anything related to trimeters.
TRIMETRICAL adj. relating to a trimeter, a verse of three measures, also TRIMETRIC.
TRIMETROGONtrimetrogon n. A single assembly of three cameras at differing angles, used for aerial photographic surveys.
trimetrogon n. An image produced by this means.
TRIMETROGON n. a technique of aerial photography using three cameras, which increases the range and detail of the coverage.
TRIMETHOPRIMtrimethoprim n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic antibiotic used to treat malaria and respiratory and urinary infections (usually…
TRIMETHOPRIM n. a synthetic antibacterial and antimalarial drug used alone or in combination with sulfamethoxazole.
TRIMETHYLENEtrimethylene n. (Organic chemistry) A gaseous hydrocarbon, C3H6, isomeric with propylene and obtained from it indirectly.
TRIMETHYLENE n. another name for cyclopropane.
TRIMETROGONStrimetrogons n. Plural of trimetrogon.
TRIMETROGON n. a technique of aerial photography using three cameras, which increases the range and detail of the coverage.
TRIMETHADIONEtrimethadione n. (Pharmacology) An anticonvulsant drug used to control epilepsy.
TRIMETHADIONE n. a crystalline compound with a bitter taste and camphor-like odour, used in the treatment of epilepsy.
TRIMETHOPRIMStrimethoprims n. Plural of trimethoprim.
TRIMETHOPRIM n. a synthetic antibacterial and antimalarial drug used alone or in combination with sulfamethoxazole.
TRIMETHYLENESTRIMETHYLENE n. another name for cyclopropane.
TRIMETHADIONEStrimethadiones n. Plural of trimethadione.
TRIMETHADIONE n. a crystalline compound with a bitter taste and camphor-like odour, used in the treatment of epilepsy.
TRIMETHYLAMINEtrimethylamine n. (Organic chemistry) The tertiary amine (CH3)3N; a colourless gas with a fishy smell that is a product…
TRIMETHYLAMINE n. a gas obtainable from herring-brine, corresponding to ammonia with methyl replacing all the hydrogen.
TRIMETHYLAMINEStrimethylamines n. Plural of trimethylamine.
TRIMETHYLAMINE n. a gas obtainable from herring-brine, corresponding to ammonia with methyl replacing all the hydrogen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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