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There are 17 words containing TIMIST

TIMISTtimist n. (Obsolete, music) A performer who keeps good time.
timist n. (Obsolete) A timeserver.
TIMIST n. a performer who keeps good time.
TIMISTStimists n. Plural of timist.
TIMIST n. a performer who keeps good time.
INTIMISTintimist n. A painter or writer whose art is in the intimism genre.
intimist adj. (Art) Pertaining to or characteristic of the intimism genre; focussed on everyday domestic matters.
intimist adj. (Film, literature) Introspective; concerned with inner life and psychological experiences.
OPTIMISToptimist n. A person who expects a favourable outcome.
optimist n. A believer in optimism.
Optimist n. (Nautical) A small centre-board sailing dinghy designed to train and introduce young children into sailing.
INTIMISTEintimiste n. Alternative form of intimist.
intimiste adj. Alternative form of intimist.
INTIMISTE n. (French) a painter of the school of intimism, a genre of French impressionist painting of the early 20th century, also INTIMIST.
INTIMISTSintimists n. Plural of intimist.
INTIMIST n. a painter whose subject matter is everyday life.
OPTIMISTSoptimists n. Plural of optimist.
Optimists n. Plural of Optimist.
OPTIMIST n. one who exhibits optimism.
INTIMISTESintimistes n. Plural of intimiste.
INTIMISTE n. (French) a painter of the school of intimism, a genre of French impressionist painting of the early 20th century, also INTIMIST.
LEGITIMISTlegitimist n. (Historical) A French royalist who believes that the King of France and Navarre must be chosen according…
legitimist n. A Carlist.
legitimist n. (By extension) Any proponent for the rule of a legitimate sovereign.
OPTIMISTICoptimistic adj. Expecting the best in all possible ways.
optimistic adj. (Computing) Allowing other processes to perform transactions on the same data at the same time, and…
OPTIMISTIC adj. having optimism, also OPTIMISTICAL.
LEGITIMISTSlegitimists n. Plural of legitimist.
LEGITIMIST n. a person who believes in the right of royal succession according to the principle of heredity and primogeniture.
LEGITIMISTIClegitimistic adj. Legitimist.
LEGITIMISTIC adj. relating to legitimism, adherence to the principles of political legitimacy or to a person claiming legitimacy.
OPTIMISTICALoptimistical adj. Optimistic.
OPTIMISTICAL adj. optimistic, also OPTIMISTIC.
OVEROPTIMISToveroptimist n. An excessively optimistic person.
OVEROPTIMIST n. one who is excessively optimistic.
OVEROPTIMISTSoveroptimists n. Plural of overoptimist.
OVEROPTIMIST n. one who is excessively optimistic.
OPTIMISTICALLYoptimistically adv. In an optimistic manner.
OPTIMISTICAL adv. optimistic, also OPTIMISTIC.
OVEROPTIMISTICoveroptimistic adj. Excessively optimistic.
over-optimistic adj. Alternative form of overoptimistic.
OVEROPTIMISTIC adj. excessively optimistic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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