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There are 9 words containing TICENT

CONTICENTconticent adj. (Archaic, rare) silent.
CONTICENT adj. silent.
MULTICENTERmulticenter adj. (Medicine, of a study) Taking place at multiple locations.
MULTICENTER adj. involving more than one medical or research institution, also MULTICENTRE.
MULTICENTEREDmulticentered adj. Alternative form of multicentred.
MULTICENTERSSorry, definition not available.
MULTICENTRALmulticentral adj. Having more than one centre.
MULTICENTRAL adj. having or proceeding from many centres, also MULTICENTRIC.
MULTICENTREmulticentre adj. Of or pertaining to multiple centres.
multicentre adj. (Medicine) Describing a trial (of a drug or procedure) that is held at more than one clinic or research centre.
MULTICENTRE adj. comprising or involving several centres, also MULTICENTER.
MULTICENTRICmulticentric adj. That occurs in multiple centres at the same time.
MULTICENTRIC adj. having or proceeding from many centres, also MULTICENTRAL.
RETICENTreticent adj. Keeping one’s thoughts and opinions to oneself; reserved or restrained.
reticent adj. (Proscribed) Hesitant or not wanting to take some action; reluctant (usually followed by a verb in the infinitive).
RETICENT adj. tending to be silent.
RETICENTLYreticently adv. In a reticent manner.
RETICENT adv. tending to be silent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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