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There are 20 words containing TGRASS

BENTGRASSbentgrass n. Any of numerous reedy grass species of the genus Agrostis.
bent␣grass n. Any of several grasses, of the genus Agrostis, native to temperate climates; grown for pasture, turf…
BENTGRASS n. a stiff wiry grass, also BENT.
BENTGRASSESbentgrasses n. Plural of bentgrass.
bent␣grasses n. Plural of bent grass.
BENTGRASS n. a stiff wiry grass, also BENT.
CHEATGRASScheatgrass n. Bromus tectorum, drooping brome, native to Europe, thought to create an ecology prone to annual fires…
cheat␣grass n. Downy brome; drooping brome (Bromus tectorum); an annual grass native to Europe, southwestern Asia and…
CHEATGRASSEScheatgrasses n. Plural of cheatgrass.
cheat␣grasses n. Plural of cheat grass.
CUTGRASScutgrass n. A grass with leaves having edges furnished with very minute hooked prickles, which form a cutting edge;…
CUTGRASS n. a kind of swamp grass.
CUTGRASSEScutgrasses n. Plural of cutgrass.
CUTGRASS n. a kind of swamp grass.
KNOTGRASSknotgrass n. An annual plant, Polygonum aviculare, found in fields and wasteland.
knotgrass n. Paspalum distichum, a weedy perennial grass of wet areas.
KNOTGRASS n. any of several weeds of the genus Polygonum, with wiry jointed creeping stems and small pinkish or whitish flowers in the axils of the leaves.
KNOTGRASSESknotgrasses n. Plural of knotgrass.
KNOTGRASS n. any of several weeds of the genus Polygonum, with wiry jointed creeping stems and small pinkish or whitish flowers in the axils of the leaves.
MATGRASSmatgrass n. The grass Nardus stricta.
matgrass n. Matweed.
matgrass n. (Australia) Spinifex hirsutus (rolling grass).
MATGRASSESmatgrasses n. Plural of matgrass.
MATGRASS n. a rushlike moorland grass.
NUTGRASSnutgrass n. Any perennial sedge of species Cyperus esculentus or Cyperus rotundus, that has small edible nutlike tubers.
nut-grass n. Alternative spelling of nutgrass.
NUTGRASS n. any of various American sedges, also NUTSEDGE.
NUTGRASSESnutgrasses n. Plural of nutgrass.
nut-grasses n. Plural of nut-grass.
NUTGRASS n. any of various American sedges, also NUTSEDGE.
ROTGRASSROTGRASS n. soft grass, butterwort, pennywort or other plant reputed to cause sheep-rot.
ROTGRASSESROTGRASS n. soft grass, butterwort, pennywort or other plant reputed to cause sheep-rot.
SHORTGRASSshortgrass n. The set of short, tough grasses that thrive in arid plains; often specifically the native grasses of…
SHORTGRASSESshortgrasses n. Plural of shortgrass.
SWEETGRASSsweetgrass n. Mannagrass, in genus Glyceria.
sweetgrass n. Hierochloe odorata (syn. Anthoxanthum nitens), an aromatic herb native to northern Eurasia and North America.
sweetgrass n. Muhlenbergia filipes, a grass native to the southeastern United States.
SWEETGRASSESsweetgrasses n. Plural of sweetgrass.
WHEATGRASSwheatgrass n. Young grass of the common wheat plant, Triticum aestivum, used freshly juiced or dried into powder for…
wheatgrass n. A grass of the genus Agropyron, commonly known as crested-wheat grass.
WHEATGRASS n. a young plant of the genus Agropyron, a relative of wheat, popular as a health food.
WHEATGRASSESwheatgrasses n. Plural of wheatgrass.
WHEATGRASS n. a young plant of the genus Agropyron, a relative of wheat, popular as a health food.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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