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There are 14 words containing TERNES

TERNESternes n. Plural of terne.
TERNE v. to cover with an alloy of lead and tin.
ALTERNESALTERNE n. one of two or more plant communities adjoining but differing greatly.
EXTERNESexternes n. Plural of externe.
EXTERNE n. an officer in attendance upon a hospital, but not residing in it; esp. one who cares for the outpatients, also EXTERN.
INTERNESinternes n. Plural of interne.
INTERNE n. a trainee gaining practical medical experience.
STERNESTsternest adj. Superlative form of stern: most stern.
STERN adj. severe.
SAUTERNESsauternes n. Plural of sauterne.
Sauternes prop.n. A region of France known for producing dessert wines.
Sauternes n. A wine produced in Sauternes, such as the prestigious Château d’Yquem.
UTTERNESSutterness n. The state or condition of being utter.
UTTERNESS n. the state of being utter.
BETTERNESSbetterness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being better; superiority.
betterness n. (Countable) The result or product of being better.
betterness n. (Minting) The amount by which a precious metal exceeds the standard of fineness.
BITTERNESSbitterness n. The quality of having a bitter taste.
bitterness n. The quality of feeling bitter; acrimony, resentment; the quality of exhibiting such feelings.
bitterness n. The quality of eliciting a bitter, humiliating or harsh feeling.
UTTERNESSESUTTERNESS n. the state of being utter.
BETTERNESSESbetternesses n. Plural of betterness.
BETTERNESS n. the quality of being better.
BITTERNESSESbitternesses n. Plural of bitterness.
BITTERNESS n. the state of being bitter.
SINISTERNESSsinisterness n. The state or condition of being sinister.
SINISTERNESS n. the state of being sinister.
SINISTERNESSESSINISTERNESS n. the state of being sinister.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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