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There are 11 words containing TEORIT

METEORITEmeteorite n. A metallic or stony object or body that is the remains of a meteoroid.
METEORITE n. a meteor that has fallen to earth as a lump of stone or metal.
METEORITESmeteorites n. Plural of meteorite.
METEORITE n. a meteor that has fallen to earth as a lump of stone or metal.
METEORITICmeteoritic adj. (Astronomy) Of or pertaining to meteorites, meteors, or meteoroids.
METEORITIC adj. of or like a meteorite, also METEORITAL, METEORITICAL.
METEORITICSmeteoritics n. (Astronomy, mineralogy, geochemistry, cosmochemistry) The science that deals with meteors, meteorites, and meteoroids.
METEORITICS n. the study of meteors.
METEORITICALmeteoritical adj. Meteoritic; relating to meteorites.
METEORITICAL adj. of or like a meteorite, also METEORITAL, METEORITIC.
METEORITICISTmeteoriticist n. (Astronomy, mineralogy, geochemistry, cosmochemistry) A scientist involved in meteoritics.
METEORITICIST n. a student of meteoritics.
METEORITICISTSmeteoriticists n. Plural of meteoriticist.
METEORITICIST n. a student of meteoritics.
MICROMETEORITEmicrometeorite n. An extraterrestrial particle, less than a millimeter in size, that has survived entry into the atmosphere…
MICROMETEORITE n. a very small meteorite.
MICROMETEORITESmicrometeorites n. Plural of micrometeorite.
MICROMETEORITE n. a very small meteorite.
MICROMETEORITICmicrometeoritic adj. Relating to micrometeorites.
MICROMETEORITIC adj. of or like a micrometeorite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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