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There are 18 words containing TEABLE

BITEABLEbiteable adj. Capable of being bitten.
BITEABLE adj. that can be bitten, also BITABLE.
CITEABLEciteable adj. Alternative spelling of citable.
CITEABLE adj. suitable for citation, also CITABLE.
DATEABLEdateable adj. That may be ascribed a date or age.
dateable adj. Suitable for dating (romantic outings).
DATEABLE adj. that may be dated, also DATABLE.
DEBATEABLEdebateable adj. Archaic spelling of debatable.
DEBATEABLE adj. that can be debated, also DEBATABLE.
HATEABLEhateable adj. Alternative form of hatable.
HATEABLE adj. capable of being, or deserving to be, hated, also HATABLE.
LOCATEABLElocateable adj. Alternative form of locatable.
LOCATEABLE adj. that can be located, also LOCATABLE.
RATEABLErateable adj. Liable to incur the payment of rates.
RATEABLE adj. capable of being rated, also RATABLE.
RATEABLENESSRATEABLENESS n. the state of being rateable.
RATEABLENESSESRATEABLENESS n. the state of being rateable.
RATEABLESRATEABLES n. property that is liable to rates, also RATABLES.
REBATEABLEREBATEABLE adj. that can be rebated, also REBATABLE.
REWRITEABLErewriteable adj. Alternative form of rewritable.
REWRITEABLE adj. (of a CD, flash drive, etc.) able to record information over the top of existing information, also REWRITABLE.
STATEABLEstateable adj. Alternative form of statable.
STATEABLE adj. that can be stated, also STATABLE.
TASTEABLEtasteable adj. Alternative spelling of tastable.
TASTEABLE adj. that can be tasted, also TASTABLE.
TOTEABLETOTEABLE adj. capable of being toted, also TOTABLE.
UPDATEABLEupdateable adj. Alternative form of updatable.
UPDATEABLE adj. capable of being updated, also UPDATABLE.
VOTEABLEvoteable adj. Alternative form of votable.
VOTEABLE adj. capable of being voted on, also VOTABLE.
WRITEABLEwriteable adj. Alternative spelling of writable.
WRITEABLE adj. that can be written, also WRITABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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