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There are 9 nine-letter words containing TALISM

BRUTALISMbrutalism n. Brutal, violent behaviour; savagery.
brutalism n. (Architecture) Alternative letter-case form of Brutalism.
Brutalism n. (Architecture) A style of modernist architecture characterized by angular geometry and overt signs of…
CROTALISMcrotalism n. (Medicine) A condition caused by poisonous plants in the genus Crotalaria.
CROTALISM n. poisoning by crotalaria, any plant of the sunn hemp genus Crotalaria.
FATALISMSfatalisms n. Plural of fatalism.
FATALISM n. the doctrine that all events are predetermined.
MENTALISMmentalism n. The doctrine that physical reality exists only because of the mind’s awareness.
mentalism n. Activities such as mind-reading, especially by performers.
mentalism n. Oppression on the basis of neurological type or perceived intelligence.
PETALISMSpetalisms n. Plural of petalism.
PETALISM n. a type of ostracism.
TALISMANStalismans n. Plural of talisman.
TALISMAN n. (Arabic) an object supposed to have occult or magic powers, esp an inscribed stone or ring worn as an amulet to avert evil or bring good luck, health, etc, also TELESM.
TANTALISMtantalism n. A punishment like that of the mythological Tantalus; a teasing or tormenting by the hope or near approach…
TANTALISM n. the punishment of Tantalus; a tormenting.
TOTALISMStotalisms n. Plural of totalism.
TOTALISM n. centralized control by an autocratic authority.
VITALISMSvitalisms n. Plural of vitalism.
VITALISM n. the philosophical doctrine that life processes are not entirely explicable, or bound, by scientific laws.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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