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There are 14 words containing TUNIC

SUBTUNICsubtunic n. An undertunic.
SUBTUNIC n. a tunic worn under another tunic.
SUBTUNICSsubtunics n. Plural of subtunic.
SUBTUNIC n. a tunic worn under another tunic.
TUNICtunic n. A garment worn over the torso, with or without sleeves, and of various lengths reaching from the hips to the ankles.
tunic n. (Anatomy, botany) Any covering, such as seed coat or the organ that covers a membrane.
TUNIC n. a loose-fitting shirt-like garment.
TUNICAtunica n. Synonym of tunic (“garment”).
tunica n. Synonym of tunic (“covering”).
Tunica prop.n. An unincorporated community in West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, United States.
TUNICAEtunicae n. Plural of tunica.
TUNICA n. (Latin) an enclosing membrane or layer of tissue.
TUNICATEtunicate n. Any of very many chordate marine animals, of the subphyla Tunicata or Urochordata, including the sea squirts.
tunicate adj. Of or pertaining to these animals.
tunicate adj. (Anatomy, botany) Enclosed in a tunic or mantle; covered or coated with layers.
TUNICATEDtunicated adj. Tunicate.
TUNICATED adj. having the form of a tunicate.
TUNICATEStunicates n. Plural of tunicate.
TUNICATE n. a small marine animal.
TUNICINtunicin n. (Biochemistry) Animal cellulose; a substance present in the mantle, or tunic, of the tunicates, which…
TUNICIN n. a gelatinous substance found in the tests of tunicates.
TUNICINStunicins n. Plural of tunicin.
TUNICIN n. a gelatinous substance found in the tests of tunicates.
TUNICKEDtunicked adj. Wearing a tunic.
TUNICKED adj. wearing a tunic.
TUNICLEtunicle n. (Obsolete) A small tunic.
tunicle n. A vestment worn by an archdeacon.
tunicle n. (Anatomy) A tunica; a membrane or membranous sheath of skin.
TUNICLEStunicles n. Plural of tunicle.
TUNICLE n. a short ecclesiastical vestment worn by a bishop or subdeacon.
TUNICStunics n. Plural of tunic.
TUNIC n. a loose-fitting shirt-like garment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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