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There are 10 words containing TROCI

ATROCIOUSatrocious adj. Frightful, evil, cruel, or monstrous.
atrocious adj. Offensive or heinous.
atrocious adj. Very bad; abominable, disgusting.
ATROCIOUSLYatrociously adv. In an atrocious manner.
ATROCIOUS adv. terrible.
ATROCIOUSNESSatrociousness n. The state or quality of being atrocious.
ATROCIOUSNESS n. the state of being atrocious.
ATROCIOUSNESSESATROCIOUSNESS n. the state of being atrocious.
ATROCITIESatrocities n. Plural of atrocity.
ATROCITY n. a heinous act.
ATROCITYatrocity n. (Countable) An extremely cruel act; a horrid act of injustice.
atrocity n. (Uncountable) The quality or state of being atrocious; enormous wickedness; extreme criminality or cruelty.
atrocity n. (Countable) An object considered to be extremely unattractive or undesirable.
LATROCINIALATROCINIUM n. (obsolete) highway robbery, also LATROCINY.
LATROCINIESlatrocinies n. Plural of latrociny.
LATROCINY n. (obsolete) highway robbery, also LATROCINIUM.
LATROCINIUMLatrocinium prop.n. (History, ecclesiastical, derogatory) The Second Council of Ephesus.
LATROCINIUM n. (obsolete) highway robbery, also LATROCINY.
LATROCINYlatrociny n. (Obsolete) Theft or robbery.
LATROCINY n. (obsolete) highway robbery, also LATROCINIUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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