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There are 17 words containing TRIFY

METRIFYmetrify v. To make verse.
metrify v. (US, Canada) metricate.
METRIFY v. to compose in metrical form.
NITRIFYnitrify v. (Transitive) To treat, or react with nitrogen or a nitrogen-containing compound.
nitrify v. (Transitive) To convert ammonia or similar compound to a nitrate by oxidation, especially by the action…
nitrify v. (Intransitive) To become nitre.
PETRIFYpetrify v. To harden organic matter by permeating with water and depositing dissolved minerals.
petrify v. To produce rigidity akin to stone.
petrify v. To immobilize with fright.
VITRIFYvitrify v. (Transitive) To convert into glass or a glass-like substance by heat and fusion.
vitrify v. (Intransitive) To be converted into glass, especially through heat.
VITRIFY v. to convert into glass.
GENTRIFYgentrify v. (Transitive) To renovate or improve something, especially housing or district, to make it more appealing…
GENTRIFY v. to renew an area to attract middle-class residents.
DENITRIFYdenitrify v. (Transitive, chemistry) To remove nitrogen, often through the breakdown of nitrogenous compounds and…
DENITRIFY v. to deprive of, or free from, nitrogen.
DEVITRIFYdevitrify v. (Of a glassy material) To become crystalline and brittle.
DEVITRIFY v. to deprive of glasslike character, make brittle.
ELECTRIFYelectrify v. (Transitive) To supply electricity to; to charge with electricity.
electrify v. (Transitive) To cause electricity to pass through; to affect by electricity; to give an electric shock to.
electrify v. (Transitive) To adapt (a home, farm, village, city, industry, railroad) for electric power.
METRIFYINGmetrifying v. Present participle of metrify.
METRIFY v. to compose in metrical form.
NITRIFYINGnitrifying adj. Describing certain bacteria that oxidize ammonia to nitrite and nitrate in the soil.
NITRIFY v. to combine with nitrogen.
PETRIFYINGpetrifying adj. Causing immense fear; extremely scary.
petrifying v. Present participle of petrify.
PETRIFY v. to convert into a stony substance.
VITRIFYINGvitrifying v. Present participle of vitrify.
VITRIFY v. to convert into glass.
GENTRIFYINGgentrifying v. Present participle of gentrify.
GENTRIFY v. to renew an area to attract middle-class residents.
DENITRIFYINGdenitrifying v. Present participle of denitrify.
DENITRIFY v. to deprive of, or free from, nitrogen.
DEVITRIFYINGdevitrifying v. Present participle of devitrify.
DEVITRIFY v. to deprive of glasslike character, make brittle.
ELECTRIFYINGelectrifying v. Present participle of electrify.
electrifying adj. That electrifies.
electrifying adj. Thrilling or startling.
ELECTRIFYINGLYelectrifyingly adv. In an electrifying manner.
ELECTRIFYINGLY adv. in the manner of being charged with electricity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 35 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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