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There are 12 words containing TRATH

INTRATHECALintrathecal adj. (Medicine) Delivered into the spinal canal (intrathecal space surrounding the spinal cord), e.g. a spinal anesthesia.
intrathecal n. (Medicine) An intrathecal injection.
INTRATHECAL adj. introduced into or occurring in the space under the arachnoid membrane of the brain or spinal cord.
INTRATHECALLYintrathecally adv. In an intrathecal way; into the spinal canal.
INTRATHECAL adv. introduced into or occurring in the space under the arachnoid membrane of the brain or spinal cord.
INTRATHORACICintrathoracic adj. (Anatomy) Within the thorax.
INTRATHORACIC adj. situated or occurring within the thorax.
STRATHstrath n. (Scotland) A wide, flat river valley.
Strath prop.n. (After a qualification) University of Strathclyde, used especially following post-nominal letters indicating…
STRATH n. (Scots) a valley of considerable size, through which a river runs.
STRATHSstraths n. Plural of strath.
STRATH n. (Scots) a valley of considerable size, through which a river runs.
STRATHSPEYstrathspey n. A Scottish dance with gliding steps, slower than a reel.
strathspey n. A piece of music composed for or in the rhythm of this dance.
Strathspey prop.n. The area encompassing the upper part of the strath (valley) of Scotland’s River Spey in Highland council…
STRATHSPEYSstrathspeys n. Plural of strathspey.
STRATHSPEY n. a reel-like Scottish dance of moderate tempo.
TETRATHEISMtetratheism n. A belief in four gods.
tetratheism n. (Christianity) The belief that there are four elements in the Christian Godhead—the three hypostases…
TETRATHEISM n. the belief in four elements in the Godhead, i.e. the three persons of the Trinity and a divine essence out of which each of these originates.
TETRATHEISMSTETRATHEISM n. the belief in four elements in the Godhead, i.e. the three persons of the Trinity and a divine essence out of which each of these originates.
TETRATHLONtetrathlon n. (Sports) A contest with four successive events, usually showjumping, swimming, running and pistol shooting.
TETRATHLON n. a four-event sporting contest.
TETRATHLONStetrathlons n. Plural of tetrathlon.
TETRATHLON n. a four-event sporting contest.
ULTRATHINultrathin adj. Extremely thin; of utmost thinness.
ULTRATHIN adj. very very thin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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