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There are 12 words containing TRATA

FILTRATABLEFILTRATABLE adj. that can be filtrated.
ILLUSTRATABLEillustratable adj. Capable of being illustrated.
ILLUSTRATABLE adj. capable of being illustrated.
STRATAstrata n. Plural of stratum.
strata n. (British Columbia) condominium unit, condominium building, condominium title.
strata n. (US, cooking) A kind of layered casserole dish in American cuisine.
STRATAGEMstratagem n. A tactic or artifice designed to gain the upper hand, especially one involving underhanded dealings or deception.
stratagem n. Specifically, such a tactic or artifice in military operation.
stratagem n. (Uncountable) Military deception or artifice.
STRATAGEMSstratagems n. Plural of stratagem.
STRATAGEM n. a plan for deceiving an enemy or gaining an advantage; any artifice generally.
STRATALstratal adj. Of or pertaining to a stratum.
STRATAL adj. pertaining to a stratum, also STRATOUS.
STRATASstratas n. Plural of strata.
STRATA n. (Latin) a layer, a stratum.
SUBSTRATAsubstrata n. Plural of substratum.
SUBSTRATUM n. that which underlies something, as a layer of earth lying under another, also SUBSTRATE.
SUBSTRATALsubstratal adj. Of or pertaining to a substratum.
substratal adj. (Linguistics) Specifically, pertaining to a substrate language.
SUBSTRATAL adj. relating to a substrate.
SUPERSTRATAsuperstrata n. Plural of superstratum.
SUPERSTRATUM n. an overlying layer.
TITRATABLEtitratable adj. (Analytical chemistry) Able to be titrated.
TITRATABLE adj. that can be titrated.
UNDERSTRATAunderstrata n. Plural of understratum.
UNDERSTRATUM n. a stratum under another stratum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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