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There are 20 words containing TRACO

ENTOMOSTRACOUSentomostracous adj. (Zoology, archaic) Belonging to the Entomostraca, a former subclass of crustaceans.
ENTOMOSTRACOUS adj. of or like an entomostracan, any of the lower order of crustaceans.
EXTRACORPOREALextracorporeal adj. Outside the body.
EXTRACORPOREAL adj. occurring or based outside the living body.
INTRACOASTALintracoastal adj. Within or near a coast.
INTRACOMPANYintracompany adj. Occurring within or between the branches of a company.
INTRACOMPANY adj. occurring within or taking place between branches or employees of a company.
MALACOSTRACOUSmalacostracous adj. (Zoology) Belonging to the Malacostraca.
MALACOSTRACOUS adj. relating to the Malacostra, the best-known class of crustaceans, including crabs, lobsters, shrimps, prawns, etc.
OSTRACODostracod n. Any of many small crustaceans, of the class Ostracoda, that resemble a shrimp enclosed in a bivalve shell.
OSTRACOD n. a minute freshwater crustacean with a bivalve carapace, also OSTRACODE.
OSTRACODANOSTRACODAN adj. relating to a class of minute crustacea with bivalve shells.
OSTRACODEostracode n. Alternative form of ostracod.
OSTRACODE n. a minute freshwater crustacean with a bivalve carapace, also OSTRACOD.
OSTRACODERMostracoderm n. (Zoology) Any of the armored jawless fishes of the Paleozoic.
OSTRACODERM n. any of the early fossil jawless fishes of the Lower Paleozoic usually having a bony covering of plates or scales.
OSTRACODERMSostracoderms n. Plural of ostracoderm.
OSTRACODERM n. any of the early fossil jawless fishes of the Lower Paleozoic usually having a bony covering of plates or scales.
OSTRACODESostracodes n. Plural of ostracode.
OSTRACODE n. a minute freshwater crustacean with a bivalve carapace, also OSTRACOD.
OSTRACODOUSOSTRACODOUS adj. like an ostracod.
OSTRACODSostracods n. Plural of ostracod.
OSTRACOD n. a minute freshwater crustacean with a bivalve carapace, also OSTRACODE.
OSTRACONostracon n. A piece of pottery or stone, usually broken off from a vase or other earthenware vessel, especially…
OSTRACON n. (Greek) a piece of tile for writing a message upon, also OSTRAKON.
ULTRACOLDultracold adj. (Physics) Of a temperature close to absolute zero, especially one at which quantum-mechanical properties are observed.
ultracold adj. (Informal) Extremely cold; of utmost coldness.
ULTRACOLD adj. very very cold.
ULTRACOMMERCIALultracommercial adj. Extremely commercial or commercialized.
ULTRACOMMERCIAL adj. extremely commercial.
ULTRACOMPACTultracompact adj. Extremely compact; of utmost compactness.
ULTRACOMPACT adj. extremely compact.
ULTRACOMPETENTultracompetent adj. Very highly competent.
ULTRACOMPETENT adj. extremely competent.
ULTRACONVENIENTultraconvenient adj. Extremely convenient.
ULTRACONVENIENT adj. extremely convenient.
ULTRACOOLultracool adj. Extremely cool.
ULTRACOOL adj. very very cool.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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