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There are 16 words containing TOURN

TOURNEYtourney n. Tournament.
tourney v. (Archaic) To take part in a tournament.
TOURNEY v. to compete in a tournament.
TOURNEYStourneys n. Plural of tourney.
tourneys v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tourney.
TOURNEY v. to compete in a tournament.
TOURNUREtournure n. Manner, bearing.
tournure n. Turn; contour; figure.
tournure n. Phrasing, turn of phrase.
TOURNEDOStournedos n. Filet mignon.
TOURNEDOS n. (French) a thick round beef fillet.
TOURNEYEDtourneyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of tourney.
TOURNEY v. to compete in a tournament.
TOURNEYERtourneyer n. (Historical) One who took part in a medieval tourney.
TOURNEYER n. one who takes part in a tourney.
TOURNUREStournures n. Plural of tournure.
TOURNURE n. (French) graceful manner or bearing, deportment.
TOURNAMENTtournament n. (Historical) During the Middle Ages, a series of battles and other contests designed to prepare knights for war.
tournament n. A series of games; either the same game played many times, or a succession of games related by a single…
tournament n. (Graph theory) A digraph obtained by assigning a direction to each edge in an undirected complete graph.
TOURNEYERStourneyers n. Plural of tourneyer.
TOURNEYER n. one who takes part in a tourney.
TOURNEYINGtourneying v. Present participle of tourney.
TOURNEY v. to compete in a tournament.
TOURNIQUETtourniquet n. (Medicine) A tightly-compressed bandage used to stop bleeding by stopping the flow of blood through…
tourniquet n. Any of several similar methods of clamping components into position.
tourniquet n. (Obsolete) A turnstile.
RITOURNELLERITOURNELLE n. (French) a short instrumental passage in a vocal work, also RITORNEL, RITORNELL, RITORNELLE, RITORNELLO.
TOURNAMENTStournaments n. Plural of tournament.
TOURNAMENT n. a series of games to determine a winner or winning team by elimination.
TOURNIQUETStourniquets n. Plural of tourniquet.
TOURNIQUET n. (French) a device to stop bleeding, as a bandage twisted tight by a stick, etc.
RITOURNELLESRITOURNELLE n. (French) a short instrumental passage in a vocal work, also RITORNEL, RITORNELL, RITORNELLE, RITORNELLO.
PRETOURNAMENTpretournament adj. Occurring before, or in preparation for, a tournament.
pretournament n. Alternative form of pre-tournament.
pre-tournament adj. Alternative form of pretournament.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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