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There are 8 words containing TOPOS

METOPOSCOPICmetoposcopic adj. Of or pertaining to metoposcopy.
METOPOSCOPIC adj. relating to metoposcopy, the art of judging a person's character and fortune from his face, also METOPOSCOPICAL.
METOPOSCOPICALmetoposcopical adj. Alternative form of metoposcopic.
METOPOSCOPICAL adj. relating to metoposcopy, the art of judging a person's character and fortune from his face, also METOPOSCOPIC.
METOPOSCOPIESMETOPOSCOPY n. the art of judging a person's character and fortune from his face, principally his forehead.
METOPOSCOPISTmetoposcopist n. One versed in metoposcopy.
METOPOSCOPIST n. one who practises metoposcopy, the art of judging a person's character and fortune from his face, principally his forehead.
METOPOSCOPISTSmetoposcopists n. Plural of metoposcopist.
METOPOSCOPIST n. one who practises metoposcopy, the art of judging a person's character and fortune from his face, principally his forehead.
METOPOSCOPYmetoposcopy n. The practice of judging someone’s character, or telling their fortune, from studying their face or forehead.
METOPOSCOPY n. the art of judging a person's character and fortune from his face, principally his forehead.
PHOTOPOSITIVEphotopositive adj. (Biology) having a positive phototropic or phototactic response; attracted by light.
PHOTOPOSITIVE adj. exhibiting positive phototropism or phototaxis.
TOPOStopos n. A literary theme or motif; a rhetorical convention or formula.
topos n. (Category theory) an elementary topos.
topos n. (Category theory) a Grothendieck topos.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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