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There are 18 words containing TOPAT

CYTOPATHYcytopathy n. (Microbiology, pathology) The disease or deterioration of a cell, or of the structures contained within a cell.
CYTOPATHY n. a disease or disorder of a cell.
CYTOPATHICcytopathic adj. That damages or destroys cells.
CYTOPATHIC adj. producing pathological changes in cells.
NOSTOPATHYnostopathy n. A fear of returning home, for example after prison or military service.
NOSTOPATHY n. the morbid fear of returning to familiar places.
PROTOPATHYPROTOPATHY n. first or direct experience.
CYTOPATHIEScytopathies n. Plural of cytopathy.
CYTOPATHY n. a disease or disorder of a cell.
PROTOPATHICprotopathic adj. Relating to a sensory nerve that detects the presence of a stimulus without determining its location.
protopathic adj. Relating to first symptoms of a disease, as in the sense of protopathic bias.
PROTOPATHIC adj. pertaining to reception by nerves, etc. of only coarse stimuli such as heat, pain, etc.; pertaining to such nerves.
NOSTOPATHIESNOSTOPATHY n. the morbid fear of returning to familiar places.
PROTOPATHIESPROTOPATHY n. first or direct experience.
CYTOPATHOLOGYcytopathology n. (Cytology, pathology) The branch of pathology that deals with abnormalities of cells.
CYTOPATHOLOGY n. the study of cells in illness.
PHYTOPATHOGENphytopathogen n. (Biology) Any organism that is pathogenic to plants.
PHYTOPATHOGEN n. an organism parasitic on a plant host.
CYTOPATHOGENICcytopathogenic adj. That is pathogenic to cells.
CYTOPATHOGENIC adj. pathologic for or destructive to cells.
HISTOPATHOLOGYhistopathology n. (Biology) The microscopic study of tissue, especially of abnormal tissue as a result of disease.
HISTOPATHOLOGY n. the study of the effects of disease on tissues.
PHYTOPATHOGENSphytopathogens n. Plural of phytopathogen.
PHYTOPATHOGEN n. an organism parasitic on a plant host.
PHYTOPATHOLOGYphytopathology n. The study of plant diseases; plant pathology.
PHYTOPATHOLOGY n. plant pathology.
CYTOPATHOLOGIEScytopathologies n. Plural of cytopathology.
CYTOPATHOLOGY n. the study of cells in illness.
CYTOPATHOLOGISTcytopathologist n. A scientist whose speciality is cytopathology.
HISTOPATHOLOGIChistopathologic adj. Of or pertaining to histopathology.
HISTOPATHOLOGIC adj. relating to histopathology.
PHYTOPATHOGENICphytopathogenic adj. Pathogenic to plants.
PHYTOPATHOGENIC adj. of or like a phytopathogen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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