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There are 13 words containing TOCOP

AUTOCOPROPHAGYautocoprophagy n. The feeding on its own excrement.
AUTOCOPROPHAGY n. eating one's own feces.
PHOTOCOPIABLEphotocopiable adj. Capable of being photocopied.
PHOTOCOPIABLE adj. that can be photocopied.
PHOTOCOPIEDphotocopied v. Simple past tense and past participle of photocopy.
PHOTOCOPY v. to make a photocopy of.
PHOTOCOPIERphotocopier n. A machine which reproduces documents by photographing the original over a glass plate and printing duplicates.
PHOTOCOPIER n. a machine for copying.
PHOTOCOPIERSphotocopiers n. Plural of photocopier.
PHOTOCOPIER n. a machine for copying.
PHOTOCOPIESphotocopies n. Plural of photocopy.
photocopies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of photocopy.
PHOTOCOPY v. to make a photocopy of.
PHOTOCOPYphotocopy n. A copy made using a photocopier.
photocopy v. To make a copy using a photocopier.
PHOTOCOPY n. a photographic reproduction of written matter, etc.
PHOTOCOPYINGphotocopying v. Present participle of photocopy.
photocopying n. The process by which photocopies are made.
PHOTOCOPYING n. the act of making a photocopy.
PHOTOCOPYINGSphotocopyings n. Plural of photocopying.
PHOTOCOPYING n. the act of making a photocopy.
TOCOPHEROLtocopherol n. (Biochemistry) Any of several isomers of the principal component of vitamin E, each containing a chromanol…
TOCOPHEROL n. vitamin E, found in wheatgerm, egg yolk etc.
TOCOPHEROLStocopherols n. Plural of tocopherol.
TOCOPHEROL n. vitamin E, found in wheatgerm, egg yolk etc.
TOCOPHOBIAtocophobia n. Alternative spelling of tokophobia.
TOCOPHOBIA n. an abnormal fear of giving birth or becoming pregnant.
TOCOPHOBIASTOCOPHOBIA n. an abnormal fear of giving birth or becoming pregnant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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