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There are 15 words containing TOCEL

CYSTOCELEcystocele n. (Medicine) Hernial intrusion of the bladder into the vagina, resulting from tearing of the pubocervical…
CYSTOCELE n. a hernia of the bladder.
PHOTOCELLphotocell n. A photoelectric cell.
photo-cell n. Alternative spelling of photocell.
PHOTOCELL n. a photoelectric cell.
RECTOCELErectocele n. (Pathology) A hernia of the rectum into the vagina.
RECTOCELE n. the herniation of the rectum into the vagina.
CYSTOCELEScystoceles n. Plural of cystocele.
CYSTOCELE n. a hernia of the bladder.
HEMATOCELEhematocele n. (Pathology) A swelling caused by the collection of blood in a cavity, especially of the membrane covering a testicle.
HEMATOCELE n. a cavity containing blood, also HAEMATOCELE.
PHOTOCELLSphotocells n. Plural of photocell.
PHOTOCELL n. a photoelectric cell.
RECTOCELESrectoceles n. Plural of rectocele.
RECTOCELE n. the herniation of the rectum into the vagina.
STEATOCELESTEATOCELE n. a fatty tumour in the scrotum.
HAEMATOCELEhaematocele n. (British spelling, medicine) Alternative spelling of hematocele.
HAEMATOCELE n. a cavity containing blood, also HEMATOCELE.
HEMATOCELEShematoceles n. Plural of hematocele.
HEMATOCELE n. a cavity containing blood, also HAEMATOCELE.
STEATOCELESSTEATOCELE n. a fatty tumour in the scrotum.
HAEMATOCELEShaematoceles n. Plural of haematocele.
HAEMATOCELE n. a cavity containing blood, also HEMATOCELE.
SPERMATOCELEspermatocele n. A retention cyst of a tubule of the rete testis or the head of the epididymis distended with barely…
SPERMATOCELE n. a cystic swelling of the testicle arising from the epididymis and containing sperm.
SPERMATOCELESspermatoceles n. Plural of spermatocele.
SPERMATOCELE n. a cystic swelling of the testicle arising from the epididymis and containing sperm.
HEPATOCELLULARhepatocellular adj. Of or pertaining to the cells of the liver.
HEPATOCELLULAR adj. of or involving hepatocytes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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