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There are 19 words containing TOBAC

ACINETOBACTERacinetobacter n. Any bacterium of the genus Acinetobacter.
Acinetobacter prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Moraxellaceae – aerobic, Gram-negative, non-motile bacteria which…
ACINETOBACTER n. a kind of bacteria, instrumental in causing respiratory disease.
ACINETOBACTERSacinetobacters n. Plural of acinetobacter.
ACINETOBACTER n. a kind of bacteria, instrumental in causing respiratory disease.
ANTITOBACCOantitobacco adj. Opposed to tobacco, often specifically to either the tobacco industry or public smoking.
ANTITOBACCO adj. opposed to the use of tobacco.
AZOTOBACTERAzotobacter prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Pseudomonadaceae – nitrogen-binding bacteria.
AZOTOBACTER n. a nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
AZOTOBACTERSAZOTOBACTER n. a nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
LACTOBACILLIlactobacilli n. Plural of lactobacillus.
LACTOBACILLUS n. any of a genus of bacteria that produce lactic acid.
LACTOBACILLUSlactobacillus n. Any of many rod-shaped, nonmotile, aerobic bacteria, of the genus Lactobacillus, that ferment sugars…
Lactobacillus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lactobacillaceae – gram-positive facultative anaerobic or microaerophilic…
LACTOBACILLUS n. any of a genus of bacteria that produce lactic acid.
NONTOBACCOnontobacco adj. Not tobacco; unrelated to tobacco.
NONTOBACCO adj. denoting a product not containing tobacco.
NONTOBACCOSSorry, definition not available.
STREPTOBACILLIstreptobacilli n. Plural of streptobacillus.
STREPTOBACILLUS n. any of a genus of rod-shaped bacteria in which the individual cells are often joined in a chain.
STREPTOBACILLUSstreptobacillus n. Any bacterium of the genus Streptobacillus.
Streptobacillus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Leptotrichiaceae – aerobic gram-negative bacteria.
STREPTOBACILLUS n. any of a genus of rod-shaped bacteria in which the individual cells are often joined in a chain.
TOBACCANALIANtobaccanalian adj. (Rare) Relating to the smoking of tobacco.
tobaccanalian n. (Rare) A person who smokes tobacco.
TOBACCANALIAN n. (facetious) a smoker.
TOBACCANALIANStobaccanalians n. Plural of tobaccanalian.
TOBACCANALIAN n. (facetious) a smoker.
TOBACCOtobacco n. (Uncountable) Any plant of the genus Nicotiana.
tobacco n. (Uncountable) Leaves of Nicotiana tabacum and some other species cultivated and harvested to make cigarettes…
tobacco n. (Countable) A variety of tobacco.
TOBACCOEStobaccoes n. (Dated) plural of tobacco.
TOBACCO n. an annual herb cultivated for its leaves.
TOBACCOLESStobaccoless adj. Without tobacco.
TOBACCOLESS adj. without tobacco.
TOBACCONISTtobacconist n. A person who sells tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, snuff and sundry items.
tobacconist n. A tobacconist’s shop.
tobacconist n. (Dated) A person who is addicted to smoking tobacco.
TOBACCONISTStobacconists n. Plural of tobacconist.
tobacconist's n. A shop that sells tobacco products.
tobacconists' n. Plural of tobacconist’s.
TOBACCOStobaccos n. Plural of tobacco.
TOBACCO n. an annual herb cultivated for its leaves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 137 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 16 words

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