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There are 16 words containing TENTO

STENTORstentor n. A person with a powerful or stentorian voice.
stentor n. Any protozoan of the genus Stentor.
stentor n. A part of the amplification system of a carillon.
PATENTORpatentor n. One who obtains a legal patent.
patentor n. One who grants a legal patent.
PATENTOR n. one who grants a patent.
STENTORSstentors n. Plural of stentor.
STENTOR n. a person who has a very loud voice.
STENTOURSTENTOUR n. one who determines tax to be paid.
TENTORIAtentoria n. Plural of tentorium.
TENTORIUM n. (Latin) a sheet of the dura mater stretched between the cerebrum and the cerebellum.
HOTTENTOTHottentot n. (Archaic, now offensive) A member of the Khoekhoe group of peoples.
Hottentot n. (Archaic, loosely, now offensive) A member of the broader Khoisan group of peoples.
Hottentot n. Any of several fish of the genus Pachymetopon, in the family Sparidae.
PATENTORSpatentors n. Plural of patentor.
PATENTOR n. one who grants a patent.
STENTOURSSTENTOUR n. one who determines tax to be paid.
TENTORIALtentorial adj. Of or pertaining to the tentorium.
TENTORIAL adj. relating to a tentorium, a fold of the dura mater.
TENTORIUMtentorium n. The framework of internal supports (a false endoskeleton) within an arthropod head, formed by ingrowths…
tentorium n. (Anatomy) The tentorium cerebelli, an extension of the dura mater that separates the cerebellum from…
TENTORIUM n. (Latin) a sheet of the dura mater stretched between the cerebrum and the cerebellum.
HOTTENTOTSHottentots n. Plural of Hottentot.
HOTTENTOT n. a small fish.
PORTENTOUSportentous adj. Of momentous or ominous significance.
portentous adj. Ominously prophetic.
portentous adj. Puffed up with vanity.
STENTORIANstentorian adj. (Of a voice) Loud, powerful, booming, suitable for giving speeches to large crowds.
stentorian adj. (By extension) Stern, authoritarian; demanding of respect.
STENTORIAN adj. extremely loud.
PEDETENTOUSpedetentous adj. (Obsolete) Proceeding step by step; advancing cautiously.
PEDETENTOUS adj. proceeding slowly.
PORTENTOUSLYportentously adv. In an ominous manner.
portentously adv. In a pompous manner.
PORTENTOUS adv. of, relating to, or constituting a portent.
PORTENTOUSNESSportentousness n. The quality of being portentous.
PORTENTOUS n. of, relating to, or constituting a portent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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