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There are 20 words containing TENEB

TENEBRAETenebrae prop.n. (Christianity) A Christian religious service celebrated by the Western Church on the evening before…
TENEBRAE n. (Latin) a religious service with candles.
TENEBRIOTenebrio prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Tenebrionidae.
TENEBRIO n. (Latin) a night spirit, a night prowler.
TENEBRIOSTENEBRIO n. (Latin) a night spirit, a night prowler.
TENEBRISMtenebrism n. A style of painting using very pronounced chiaroscuro, with darkness a dominating feature of the image.
TENEBRISM n. a style of painting, associated with the Italian painter Caravaggio, in which most of the figures are engulfed in shadow but some are dramatically illuminated by concentrated light.
TENEBRISTtenebrist n. A painter working in the style of tenebrism.
TENEBRIST n. a painter in the style of tenebrism.
TENEBRITYtenebrity n. Darkness; gloom.
TENEBRITY n. gloom, darkness.
TENEBROSEtenebrose adj. Dark; tenebrous.
tenebrose adj. (Figuratively) obscure; obtuse; incomprehensible.
tenebrose adj. (Figuratively) morally, culturally or mentally benighted; backward; uncivilized.
TENEBROUStenebrous adj. Dark and gloomy.
TENEBROUS adj. gloomy, obscure, also TENEBRIOUS, TENEBROSE.
TENEBRIFICtenebrific adj. Gloomy; obscure.
TENEBRIFIC adj. producing darkness; obscuring.
TENEBRIOUStenebrious adj. Alternative form of tenebrous.
TENEBRIOUS adj. gloomy, obscure, also TENEBROSE, TENEBROUS.
TENEBRISMSTENEBRISM n. a style of painting, associated with the Italian painter Caravaggio, in which most of the figures are engulfed in shadow but some are dramatically illuminated by concentrated light.
TENEBRISTStenebrists n. Plural of tenebrist.
TENEBRIST n. a painter in the style of tenebrism.
TENEBRIONIDtenebrionid n. (Zoology) Any member of family Tenebrionidae of darkling beetles.
TENEBRIONID n. a dark-coloured nocturnal beetle.
TENEBRITIEStenebrities n. Plural of tenebrity.
TENEBRITY n. gloom, darkness.
TENEBROSITYtenebrosity n. The state or quality of being tenebrose or tenebrous.
TENEBROSITY n. darkness.
TENEBRIONIDStenebrionids n. Plural of tenebrionid.
TENEBRIONID n. a dark-coloured nocturnal beetle.
TENEBROUSNESStenebrousness n. The state or property of being tenebrous.
TENEBROUSNESS n. the state of being tenebrous, also TENEBRIOUSNESS.
TENEBRIOUSNESSTENEBRIOUSNESS n. the state of being tenebrious, also TENEBROUSNESS.
TENEBROUSNESSEStenebrousnesses n. Plural of tenebrousness.
TENEBROUSNESS n. the state of being tenebrous, also TENEBRIOUSNESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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