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There are 16 words containing TANNI

TANNICtannic adj. Pertaining to, containing, or obtained from tannin.
TANNIC adj. containing tannin.
TANNIEtannie n. (South Africa) An older female authority figure.
TANNIE n. (South African) literally aunt, a title of respect for an elderly woman.
TANNINtannin n. (Chemistry) Tannic acid or any of its derivatives.
TANNIN n. any of a group of yellowish or brownish acidic astringent compounds related to gallic acid.
STANNICstannic adj. (Chemistry) Containing tetravalent tin.
STANNIC adj. as in stannic acid, an acid containing tin its its quadrivalent state.
TANNIEStannies n. Plural of tannie.
TANNIE n. (South African) literally aunt, a title of respect for an elderly woman.
TANNINGtanning v. Present participle of tan.
tanning n. The process of making leather, which does not easily decompose, from the skins of animals, which do.
tanning n. The acquisition of a tan, either by exposure to the sun, or artificially.
TANNINStannins n. Plural of tannin.
TANNIN n. any of a group of yellowish or brownish acidic astringent compounds related to gallic acid.
TANNISHtannish adj. Somewhat tan in colour.
TANNISH adj. somewhat tan.
STANNITEstannite n. A dark-gray lustrous mineral, a mixed sulfide of copper, iron, and tin, Cu2FeSnS4, used as an ore of…
STANNITE n. an ore of tin.
TANNINGStannings n. Plural of tanning.
TANNING n. the process of converting hides into leather.
BRITANNIABritannia prop.n. A female personification of Britain or the United Kingdom.
Britannia prop.n. (Historical) A province of the Roman Empire covering most of the island of Britain.
Britannia prop.n. A settlement in Newfoundland and Labrador.
STANNITESstannites n. Plural of stannite.
STANNITE n. an ore of tin.
BRITANNIASBRITANNIA n. an alloy of tin and antimony with a low melting point, also BRITTANIA.
SUNTANNINGsuntanning v. Present participle of suntan.
SUNTANNING n. the act of tanning by the sun.
SUNTANNINGSSUNTANNING n. the act of tanning by the sun.
STANNIFEROUSstanniferous adj. Containing or producing the metal tin.
STANNIFEROUS adj. bearing tin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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