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There are 17 words containing TANNA

TANNAtanna n. Alternative form of thana.
Tanna prop.n. An island in Tafea, Vanuatu.
Tanna n. Any of the rabbinic sages whose views are recorded in the Mishna, from approximately 10–220 CE.
TANNAHtannah n. Alternative form of thana.
TANNAH n. (Hindi) an Indian police station, also TANA, TANNA, THANA, THANAH, THANNA, THANNAH.
TANNAStannas n. Plural of tanna.
Tannas n. Plural of Tanna.
TANNA n. (Hindi) an Indian police station, also TANA, TANNAH, THANA, THANAH, THANNA, THANNAH.
TANNAGEtannage n. The act, operation, or result of tanning; a tanning.
tannage n. The act of steeping cast slabs of artificial marble in a solution of potash alum to harden it and make it insoluble.
TANNAGE n. the process of tanning.
TANNAHStannahs n. Plural of tannah.
TANNAH n. (Hindi) an Indian police station, also TANA, TANNA, THANA, THANAH, THANNA, THANNAH.
TANNATEtannate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of tannic acid.
TANNATE n. a salt of tannic acid.
PLATANNAplatanna n. Any of several clawed frogs of the genus Xenopus which spend most of their time in water and rarely…
PLATANNA n. (South African) the African clawed frog.
STANNARYstannary adj. Of or pertaining to tin mining, especially in Cornwall.
stannary n. A tin mine or tinworks.
STANNARY n. a tin-mining region.
STANNATEstannate n. (Chemistry) Any salt of stannic acid.
STANNATE n. a salt of stannic acid.
TANNABLEtannable adj. Suitable to be tanned.
TANNABLE adj. capable of being tanned.
TANNAGEStannages n. Plural of tannage.
TANNAGE n. the process of tanning.
TANNATEStannates n. Plural of tannate.
TANNATE n. a salt of tannic acid.
PLATANNASplatannas n. Plural of platanna.
PLATANNA n. (South African) the African clawed frog.
STANNATESstannates n. Plural of stannate.
STANNATE n. a salt of stannic acid.
STANNATORstannator n. (Britain, rare) An elected representative to the stannary parliament.
stannator n. (Britain, rare) The mayor of Plympton, in Devon.
STANNATOR n. one of the members of the Stannary Parliament.
STANNARIESstannaries n. Plural of stannary.
STANNARY n. a tin-mining region.
STANNATORSstannators n. Plural of stannator.
STANNATOR n. one of the members of the Stannary Parliament.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 28 words
  • Scrabble in German: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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