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There are 19 words containing TALLA

CATALLACTICcatallactic adj. Relating to catallactics.
CATALLACTIC adj. pertaining to commercial exchange.
CATALLACTICALLYcatallactically adv. In terms of catallactics.
CATALLACTIC adv. pertaining to commercial exchange.
CATALLACTICScatallactics n. (Economics) A form of political economics based on the science of exchange.
CATALLACTICS n. political economy.
INSTALLANTINSTALLANT n. one who instals another in an office.
INSTALLANTSINSTALLANT n. one who instals another in an office.
INSTALLATIONinstallation n. An act of installing.
installation n. Something installed, especially the whole of a system of machines, apparatus, and accessories, when…
installation n. A work of installation art.
INSTALLATIONSinstallations n. Plural of installation.
INSTALLATION n. the act of installing.
PREINSTALLATIONpreinstallation n. The process or result of preinstalling.
REINSTALLATIONreinstallation n. The act or process of reinstalling.
REINSTALLATION n. the act of reinstalling.
REINSTALLATIONSreinstallations n. Plural of reinstallation.
REINSTALLATION n. the act of reinstalling.
STALLAGEstallage n. (Obsolete) The erection and use of a stall at a fair or market.
stallage n. (Obsolete) The dues levied for the erection and use of a stall at a fair or market.
stallage n. (Obsolete) dung of cattle or horses, mixed with straw.
STALLAGESstallages n. Plural of stallage.
STALLAGE n. rent paid for a market stall.
TALLAGEtallage n. An impost.
tallage n. (UK, law, obsolete or historical) A certain rate or tax paid by barons, knights, and inferior tenants…
tallage v. To lay an impost upon.
TALLAGEDtallaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of tallage.
TALLAGE v. to levy tallage.
TALLAGEStallages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tallage.
TALLAGE v. to levy tallage.
TALLAGINGtallaging v. Present participle of tallage.
TALLAGE v. to levy tallage.
TALLAISIMtallaisim n. Plural of tallit.
TALLITH n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLIS, TALLIT.
TALLATtallat n. (UK, West Country) An attic or loft, notably over a shippen.
TALLAT n. in the West of England, a loft, also TALLET, TALLOT.
TALLATStallats n. Plural of tallat.
TALLAT n. in the West of England, a loft, also TALLET, TALLOT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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