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There are 17 words containing TALES

CARRYTALEScarrytales n. Plural of carrytale.
CARRYTALE n. (Shakespeare) a talebearer.
CROTALEScrotales n. Plural of crotale.
CROTALE n. a small cymbal.
DAYTALESDAYTALE n. reckoning by the day, esp. of work or wages, also DATAL.
FOLKTALESfolktales n. Plural of folktale.
folk␣tales n. Plural of folk tale.
FOLKTALE n. a tale from the oral tradition of a people.
HOSPITALEShospitales n. Plural of hospitale.
HOSPITALE n. (Spenser) lodging.
MENTALESEmentalese n. (Philosophy, psychology) A hypothetical non-verbal language in which concepts are represented in the mind.
Mentalese n. Alternative letter-case form of mentalese.
MENTALESE n. the picturing of concepts in the mind without words.
MENTALESESmentaleses n. Plural of mentalese.
Mentaleses n. Plural of Mentalese (Alternative letter-case form of mentaleses.).
MENTALESE n. the picturing of concepts in the mind without words.
POTALESPOTALE n. refuse from a grain distillery.
SCYTALESscytales n. Plural of scytale.
SCYTALE n. (Greek) a Spartan form of secret writing on a strip wound round a stick.
STALESstales n. Plural of stale.
stales v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stale.
STALE v. to become past its best.
STALESTstalest adj. Superlative form of stale: most stale.
STALE adj. not fresh.
TALEStales n. Plural of tale.
tales v. (Dialectal or obsolete) third-person singular simple present indicative form of tale.
tales n. (Law) A person available to fill vacancies in a jury.
TALESMANtalesman n. (Obsolete) The (male) author or relater of a tale; storyteller.
talesman n. (Law) Someone summoned to a jury when a tales is awarded, to make up numbers.
TALESMAN n. a bystander chosen to make up a deficiency in a jury.
TALESMENtalesmen n. Plural of talesman.
TALESMAN n. a bystander chosen to make up a deficiency in a jury.
TATTLETALEStattletales n. Plural of tattletale.
tattletales v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tattletale.
TATTLETALE v. to tell tales.
TELLTALEStelltales n. Plural of telltale.
tell-tales n. Plural of tell-tale.
tell␣tales v. (Idiomatic) To lie, to be making false claims.
VISTALESSvistaless adj. Without a vista.
VISTALESS adj. without a vista.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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